Element Objects
Element is a subclass of Node, so inherits all the
attributes of that class.
- tagName
The element type name. In a namespace-using document it may have
colons in it. The value is a string.
- getElementsByTagName(tagName)
Same as equivalent method in the Document class.
- getElementsByTagNameNS(tagName)
Same as equivalent method in the Document class.
- getAttribute(attname)
Return an attribute value as a string.
- getAttributeNode(attrname)
Return the Attr node for the attribute named by
- getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
Return an attribute value as a string, given a namespaceURI and
- getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
Return an attribute value as a node, given a namespaceURI and
- removeAttribute(attname)
Remove an attribute by name. No exception is raised if there is no
matching attribute.
- removeAttributeNode(oldAttr)
Remove and return oldAttr from the attribute list, if present.
If oldAttr is not present, NotFoundErr is raised.
- removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName)
Remove an attribute by name. Note that it uses a localName, not a
qname. No exception is raised if there is no matching attribute.
- setAttribute(attname, value)
Set an attribute value from a string.
- setAttributeNode(newAttr)
Add a new attibute node to the element, replacing an existing
attribute if necessary if the name attribute matches. If a
replacement occurs, the old attribute node will be returned. If
newAttr is already in use, InuseAttributeErr will be
- setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr)
Add a new attibute node to the element, replacing an existing
attribute if necessary if the namespaceURI and
localName attributes match. If a replacement occurs, the old
attribute node will be returned. If newAttr is already in use,
InuseAttributeErr will be raised.
- setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qname, value)
Set an attribute value from a string, given a namespaceURI and a
qname. Note that a qname is the whole attribute name. This is
different than above.
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