Berkeley DB Reference Guide:
Access Methods


Database statistics

The DB->stat function is the standard interface for obtaining database statistics. Generally, DB->stat returns a set of statistics about the underlying database, e.g., the number of key/data pairs in the database, how the database was originally configured, and so on. In most cases, this information is specific to the access method for which it was created.

There are two flags that you can set to customize the returned statistics:

Request an approximate key and key/data pair count. As obtaining an exact count can be very performance intensive for large databases, it is possible to request a previously cached count. Obviously, the cached count is only an approximate count, and may be out-of-date.

If the database is a Queue or Recno database, or a Btree database that was configured so that it is possible to search it by logical record number, return only a count of the records in the database.


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