Configuration and Preferences

Pine Configuration

There is very little in Pine which requires compile-time configuration. In most cases, the compiled-in preferences will suit users and administrators just fine. When running Pine on a UNIX system, the default built-in configuration can be changed by setting variables in the system configuration files, /usr/local/lib/pine.conf or /usr/local/lib/pine.conf.fixed. (Actually, these files are whatever the definitions for SYSTEM_PINERC and SYSTEM_PINERC_FIXED in pine/osdep/os-xxx.h are set to.) The location of the pine.conf file can be changed with the -P command line argument. Both Pine and PC-Pine also use personal (user-based) configuration files. On UNIX machines, the personal configuration file is the file ~/.pinerc. For PC-Pine systems, the personal configuration file is in $PINERC or <PineRC registry value> or $HOME\PINE\PINERC or <PINE.EXE dir>\PINERC. Or the personal configuration file can be specified with the -p command line argument.

After the personal configuration, Pine may optionally use a personal exceptions configuration file which is specified with the command line option "-x exceptions_config". "Exceptions_config" may be either a local file or a remote configuration folder. For Unix Pine, if you don't have a "-x" command line option, Pine will look for the file ".pinercex" in the same local directory that the regular config file is located in. If the regular config file is remote then Unix Pine looks in the home directory for ".pinercex".

For PC-Pine, if you don't have a "-x" command line option, PC-Pine will use the value of the environment variable $PINERCEX. If that is not set, PC-Pine will look for the local file "PINERCEX" in the same local directory that the regular config file is located in. If the regular config file is remote then PC-Pine looks in the local directory specfied by the "-aux local_directory" command line argument, or the directory $HOME\PINE, or in <PINE.EXE directory>.

The syntax of a non-list configuration variable is this:

<variable> = <value>
If the value is absent then the variable is unset. To set a variable to the empty value the syntax is "". This is equivalent to an absent value except that it overrides any system-wide value that may be set. Quotes may be used around any value. All values are strings and end at the end of the line or the closing quote. Leading and trailing space is ignored unless it is included in the quotes. There is one variable, use-only-domain-name, for which the only appropriate values are yes and no. That's because it is a variable from the early days of Pine before features existed.

There is also a second type of variable, lists. A list is a comma-separated list of values. The syntax for a list is:

<variable> = <value> [, <value> , ... ]
A list can be continued on subsequent lines by beginning the line with white-space. Both the per-user and global configuration files may contain comments which are lines beginning with a #.

For UNIX Pine, there are five ways in which each variable can be set. In decreasing order of precedence they are:

  1. the system-wide fixed configuration file
  2. a command line argument
  3. the personal exceptions file
  4. the personal configuration file
  5. the system-wide configuration file.

If the variable is not set in any of those places, there is a default setting in the source code.

So, system-wide fixed settings always take precedence over command line flags, which take precedence over per-user exception settings, which take precedence over per-user settings, which take precedence over system-wide configuration settings. PC-Pine has the same list, except that it does not use a system-wide fixed configuration file. This can be modified slightly by using inheritance, which is covered below.

You may get a sample/fresh copy of the system configuration file by running Pine -conf. The result will be printed on the standard output with short comments describing each variable. (The online help in the Setup screens provides longer comments.) If you need to fix some of the configuration variables, you would use the same template for the fixed configuration file as for the regular system-wide configuration file. (If it isn't clear, the purpose of the fixed configuration file is to allow system administrators to restrict the configurability of Pine. It is by no means a bullet-proof method.) Pine will automatically create the personal configuration file the first time it is run, so there is no need to generate a sample. Pine reads and writes the personal configuration file occasionally during normal operation. Users will not normally look at their personal configuration file, but will use the Setup screens from within Pine to set the values in this file. If a user does add additional comments to the personal configuration file they will be retained.

References to environment variables may be included in the Pine configuration files. The format is $variable or ${variable}. The character ~ will be expanded to the $HOME environment variable.

When environment variables are used for Pine settings which take lists, you must have an environment variable set for each member of the list. That is, Pine won't properly recognize an environment variable which is set equal to a comma-delimited list. It is OK to reference unset environment variables in the Pine configuration file, which will expand to nothing.

Remote and Local Configuration

Beginning with Pine 4.30 there are two types of storage for configuration information. Local configuration files are used by default. These are just regular files on the UNIX system or on the PC. This is the only kind of configuration storage Pine used prior to 4.30. Remote configuration folders are stored on an IMAP server. The advantage of using a remote configuration is that the same information may be accessed from multiple platforms. For example, if you use one computer at work and another at home, the same configuration could be used from both places. A configuration change from one place would be seen in both places. Technical information about remote configuration is in Remote Configuration.

Generic and Exceptional Configuration

If you use Pine from more than one platform it may be convenient to split your configuration information into two pieces, a generic piece and exceptions which apply to a particular platform. For example, suppose you use Pine from home and from work. Most of your configuration settings are probably the same in both locations, so those settings belong in the generic settings configuration. However, you may use a different SMTP server and INBOX from home than you do from work. The "smtp-server" and "inbox-path" variables could be part of your exceptional configuration so that they could be different in the two places.

Beginning with Pine 4.30 you can use the command line option "-x config" to split your configuration into generic and exceptional pieces. Config may be either local or remote.

For most people, splitting the configuration information into two pieces is only going to be useful if the generic information is accessed remotely. If you already have a local pinerc file with settings you like you may find that the command Setup/RemoteConfigSetup will be useful in helping you convert to a remote configuration. The command line flag copy_pinerc may also be useful.

Configuration Inheritance

Configuration inheritance is a power user feature. It is confusing and not completely supported by the configuration user interface.

For configuration variables which are lists, like "smtp-server" or "incoming-folders", the inheritance mechanism makes it possible to combine the values of options from different configuration locations instead of replacing the value. Configuration Inheritance has more information about how inheritance is used.

General Configuration Variables

The following is a list of all Pine configuration variables, in alphabetical order. Note that not all variables apply to all versions of Pine and that some variables are only applicable in a system configuration file and some are only applicable in a personal configuration file. These are configuration variables. Configuration Features are in a separate section.

This variable sets up the default address book sorting. Currently, Pine will accept the values dont-sort, fullname-with-lists-last, fullname, nickname-with-lists-last, and nickname. The default is to sort by fullname with lists last.

A list of personal address books. Each entry in the list is an optional nickname followed by a pathname or file name relative to the home directory. The nickname is separated from the rest of the line with whitespace. Instead of a local pathname or file name, a remote folder name can be given. This causes the address book to be a Remote address book. Remote folder syntax is discussed in Syntax for Remote Folders. This list of address books will be combined with the global-address-book list to arrive at the complete set of address books.

This option specifies the format that address books are displayed in. By default, address books are displayed with the nicknames in the first column, the fullnames in the second column, and addresses in the third column. The system figures out reasonable defaults for the widths of the columns. An address book may be given a different format by listing special tokens in the order you want them to display. The possible tokens are NICKNAME, FULLNAME, ADDRESS, FCC, and COMMENT. More details are included in the online help for this variable.

This option provides a place for you to list alternate email addresses you may have. If set, the option affects the behavior of the Reply command and the + symbol in the "Folder Index", which denotes that a message has been addressed specifically to you.

With respect to Reply, the Reply to All option will exclude addresses listed here.

System-wide configuration files only. Program/Script used by Report Bug command. Output from the program/script is captured and attached to the bug report.

bugs-fullname, bugs-address, local-fullname, local-address, suggest-fullname, and suggest-address
System-wide configuration files only. These are used by the bug report commands which can be accessed from some of the Help screens.

This sets the character set used by the terminal. Currently appropriate values are US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1 through ISO-8859-9 and ISO-2022-JP. See the section on International Character Sets for more details. The default is US-ASCII.

UNIX Pine only (color is automatically on with PC-Pine). If the terminal or terminal emulator you are using is capable of displaying colors, this variable controls whether or not color will be used in Pine. If you turn color on and things are set up correctly, you should see color appear on the screen immmediately. Modern terminal emulators are usually capable of displaying colors.

This variable may be set to any of the following values:

Don't use color.
In order to decide if your terminal is capable of color, Pine looks in the terminal capabilities database, TERMINFO or TERMCAP, depending on how Pine was compiled. This is a good option to choose if you switch between a color and a non-color terminal with the same Pine configuration. Pine will know to use color on the color terminal because it is described in the termcap entry, and Pine will know to use black and white on the non-color terminal. Color Details has more information about configuring a termcap entry for color. This is usually something a system administrator does.
Because setting up a termcap entry is confusing and because the terminal capabilities database is often not correctly configured for color, this choice and the next may be easier for you to use. If your terminal emulator responds to ANSI color escape sequences, which many do, this option will cause Pine to believe your terminal will respond to the escape sequences which produce eight different foreground and background colors. The escape sequences used to set the foreground colors are

ESC [ 3 <color_number> m

where the color_number is an ASCII digit between 0 and 7. The numbers 0 through 7 should correspond to the colors black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white. Some terminal emulators use a pre-ANSI scheme which swaps the colors blue and red and the colors yellow and cyan. This will cause the default colors to be different, but other than that things should work fine. The escape sequences used to set the background colors are the same as for the foreground colors except a "4" replaces the "3".

Note: With the Tera Term terminal emulator this setting works well. You should also have the Tera Term "Full color" option turned OFF. You may find the "Full color" option unset Setup/Window.

Many terminal emulators know about the same eight colors above plus eight more. This option attempts to use all 16 colors. The same escape sequences as for the eight-color terminal are used for the first eight colors. The escape sequences used to set foreground colors 8-15 are the same as for 0-7 except the "3" is replaced with a "9". The background color sequences for colors 8-15 are the same as for 0-7 except the "4" is replaced with "10". You can tell if the 16 colors are working by turning on this option and then going into one of the color configuration screens, for example, the configuration screen for Normal Color. If you see 16 different colors to select from, it's working.

The normal default is "no-color".

Once you've turned on color you may set the colors of many objects on the screen individually. The Color Configuration section has more information, or you may just try it by running the "Setup" command and typing "K" for Kolor to enter the color configuration screen (Kolor instead of Color because C means Config). Most categories of color which Pine supports are configurable there. Index line color is configured separately.

Beginning with Pine 4.41, the default names of some colors were changed in order to have better interoperability between PC-Pine and Unix Pine with both eight and 16-color terminals. Both PC-Pine and 8-color Unix Pine will interpret the colors named color008, color009, ..., color015 as black, red, ..., white. When changing a configuration color they will put the colors black, color009, color010, ..., color015 into the config file. That is, the colors red, green, ..., white will only appear in the config file if put there manually or if they were already there from an older version of Pine. The reason for this is because with 16-color xterm the colors red, green, ..., white are actually two-thirds intensity colors, and the colors color009, color010, ..., color015 (in pine terminology) are full intensity colors which better match the default eight of PC-Pine or 8-color Unix terminal emulators. The idea is that you can use the eight colors of an 8-color terminal on a 16-color terminal and with PC-Pine. Those eight colors will be about the same in all three situations.

In pre-4.41 PC-Pine the three default grays offered were called color008, color009, and color010. Since this conflicts with three of the colors on 16-color terminals these three colors have been renamed colorlgr, colormgr, and colordgr. PC-Pine will attempt to automatically change those color names the first time you run a version higher than 4.40. If that fails for some reason, you will see your old light grays displayed as black, your old medium grays displayed as red, and your old dark grays displayed as green. You may fix these from within the PC-Pine color config screens. If you then go back to running a pre-4.41 version of PC-Pine the colors with the new names (colorlgr...) will show up as Normally colored text.

This option specifies an aspect of Pine's Composer. This gives the maximum width that auto-wrapped lines will have. It's also the maximum width of lines justified using the ^J Justify command. The normal default is 74. The largest allowed setting is normally 80 in order to prevent very long lines from being sent in outgoing mail. When the mail is actually sent, trailing spaces will be stripped off of each line.

Add these custom headers when composing. Also possible to add default values to these custom headers or to any of the standard headers. This is a list variable. Each entry in the list is a header name (the actual header name that will appear in the message) followed by an optional colon and value. For example, if a Reply-to header was needed because it was different from the From address, that could be accomplished with:
Leaving the optional value out allows the user to fill it in when composing a message. If it isn't filled in, it won't be included in the message.

Show only these headers (by default) when composing a message. This list may include headers defined in the customized-hdrs list.

The name of the folder to which all outgoing mail goes is set here. The compiled-in default is sent-mail (UNIX) or sentmail (PC). It can be set to "" (two double quotes with nothing between them) to turn off saving copies of outgoing mail. If default-fcc is a relative file name, then it is relative to your default collection for saves (see folder-collections).

This option determines the default folder name for Saves... If this is not a path name, it will be in the default collection for saves. Any valid folder specification, local or IMAP, is allowed. This default folder only applies when the saved-msg-name-rule doesn't override it. Unix Pine default is normally saved-messages in the default folder collection. PC-Pine default is SAVEMAIL (normally stored as SAVEMAIL.MTX).

This variable is a list of mail drivers which will be disabled. The candidates for disabling are listed below. There may be more in the future if you compile Pine with a newer version of the c-client library.

The mbox driver enables the following behavior: if there is a file called mbox in your home directory, and if that file is either empty or in Unix mailbox format, then every time you open INBOX the mbox driver will automatically transfer mail from the system mail spool directory into the mbox file and delete it from the spool directory. If you disable the mbox driver, this will not happen.

It is not recommended to disable the driver which supports the system default mailbox format. On most non-SCO systems, that driver is the unix driver. On most SCO systems, it is the mmdf driver. The system default driver may be configured to something else on your system; check with your system manager for additional information.

It is most likely not very useful for you to disable any of the drivers other than possibly mbox. You could disable some of the others if you know for certain that you don't need them but the performance gain in doing so is very modest.

This variable is a list of SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) authenticators which will be disabled. SASL is a mechanism for authenticating to IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and other network servers.

Pine matches its list of supported authenticators with the server to determine the most secure authenticator that is supported by both. If no matching authenticators are found, Pine will revert to plaintext login (or, in the case of SMTP, will be unable to authenticate at all).

The candidates for disabling are listed below. There may be more if you compile Pine with additional authenticators and/or a newer version of the c-client library.

Normally, you will not disable any authenticators. There are two exceptions:

  1. You use a broken server that advertises an authenticator, but does not actually implement it.
  2. You have a Kerberos-capable version of Pine and the server is also Kerberos-capable, but you can not obtain Kerberos credentials on the server machine, thus you desire to disable GSSAPI (which in turn disables Pine's Kerberos support).

It is never necessary to disable authenticators, since Pine will try other authenticators before giving up. However, disabling the relevant authenticator avoids annoying error messages.

This option defines a list of text-filtering commands (programs or scripts) that may be used to filter text portions of received messages prior to their use (e.g., presentation in the "Message Text" display screen). For security reasons, the full path name of the filter command must be specified.

Display filters do not work with PC-Pine.

The command is executed and the message is piped into its standard input. The standard output of the command is read back by Pine. The _TMPFILE_ token (see below) overrides this default behavior.

The filter's use is based on the configured trigger string. The format of a filter definition is:

<trigger> <command> <arguments>

You can specify as many filters as you wish, separating them with a comma. Each filter can have only one trigger and command. Thus, two trigger strings which invoke the same command require separate filter specifications.

The trigger is simply text that, if found in the message, will invoke the associated command. If the trigger contains any space characters, it must be placed within quotes. Likewise, should you wish a filter to be invoked unconditionally, define the trigger as the null string, "" (two consecutive double-quote characters). If the trigger string is found anywhere in the text of the message the filter is invoked. Placing the trigger text within the tokens defined below changes where within the text the trigger must be before considering it a match.

Trigger Modifying Tokens:

This token tells Pine to invoke the supplied command if the text is in a character set matching string (e.g., ISO-8859-2 or ISO-2022-JP).
This token tells Pine to invoke the supplied command if the enclosed string is found to be the first non-whitespace text.
NOTE: Quotes are necessary if string contains the space character.
This token tells Pine to invoke the supplied command if the enclosed string is found at the beginning of any line in the text.
NOTE: Quotes are necessary if string contains the space character.

The "command" and "arguments" portion is simply the command line to be invoked if the trigger string is found. Below are tokens that Pine will recognize and replace with special values when the command is actually invoked.

Command Modifying Tokens:

When the command is executed, this token is replaced with the path and name of the temporary file containing the text to be filtered. Pine expects the filter to replace this data with the filter's result. NOTE: Use of this token implies that the text to be filtered is not piped into standard input of the executed command and its standard output is ignored. Pine restores the tty modes before invoking the filter in case the filter interacts with the user via its own standard input and output.
When the command is executed, this token is replaced with the path and name of a temporary file intended to contain a status message from the filter. Pine displays this in the message status field.
When the command is executed, this token is replaced with the path and name of a temporary file that Pine creates once per session and deletes upon exit. The file is intended to be used by the filter to store state information between instances of the filter.
When the command is executed, this token indicates that a random number will be passed down the input stream before the message text. This number could be used as a session key. It does not appear as a command-line argument. It is sent in this way to improve security. The number is unique to the current Pine session and is only generated once per session.

Performance caveat/considerations:
Testing for the trigger and invoking the filter doesn't come for free. There is overhead associated with searching for the trigger string, testing for the filter's existence and actually piping the text through the filter. The impact can be reduced if the Trigger Modifying Tokens above are employed.

If Header Colors are being used, the sequences of bytes which indicate color changes will be contained in the text which is passed to the display-filter. If this causes problems you'll need to turn off Header Colors. The thirteen bytes which indicate a color change are the character \377 followed by \010 for a foreground color or \011 for a background color. Then comes eleven characters of RGB data which looks something like 255,  0,255, depending on the particular color, of course.

This option affects the behavior of the Export command. It specifies a Unix program name, and any necessary command line arguments, that Pine can use to transfer the exported message to your personal computer's disk.

This option is used in conjunction with the download-command option. It defines text to be written to the terminal emulator (via standard output) immediately prior to starting the download command. This is useful for integrated serial line file transfer agents that permit command passing (e.g., Kermit's APC method).

UNIX Pine only. Sets the name of the alternate editor for composing mail (message text only, not headers). It will be invoked with the "^_" command or it will be invoked automatically if the enable-alternate-editor-implicitly feature is set.

When sending, if all of the To, Cc, and Newsgroups fields are empty, Pine will put a special address in the To line. The default value is "Undisclosed recipients: ;". The reason for this is to avoid embarrassment caused by some Internet mail transfer software that interprets a "missing" To: header as an error and replaces it with an Apparently-to: header that may contain the addresses you entered on the Bcc: line, defeating the purpose of the Bcc. You may change the part of this message that comes before the ": ;" by setting the empty-header-message variable to something else.

Determines default folder name for fcc when composing. Currently, Pine will accept the values default-fcc, by-recipient, or last-fcc-used. If set to default-fcc, then Pine will use the value defined in the default-fcc variable (which itself has a default) for the Fcc header field. If set to by-recipient, then Pine will use the name of the recipient as a folder name for the fcc. The relevant recipient is the first address in the To field. If set to "last-fcc-used", then Pine will offer to Fcc to whatever folder you used previously. In all cases, the field can still be edited after it is initially assigned. If the fcc field in the address book is set for the first To address, that value over-rides any value derived from this rule.

This is a list of the many features (options) which may be turned on or off. There is a separate section titled Configuration Features which explains each of the features. There is some additional explanation about the feature-list variable itself in Feature List Variable.

PC-Pine only. This value affects the Composer's "^J Attach" command, the Attachment Index Screen's "S Save" command, and the Message Index's "E Export" command.

Normally, when a filename is supplied that lacks a leading "path" component, Pine assumes the file exists in the user's home directory. Under Windows operating systems, this definition isn't always clear. This feature allows you to explictly set where Pine should look for files without a leading path.

NOTE: this feature's value is ignored if either use-current-dir feature is set or the PINERC has a value for the operating-dir variable.

This is a list of one or more collections where saved mail is stored. See the sections describing folder collections and collection syntax for more information. The first collection in this list is the default collection for Saves, including default-fcc's.

PC-Pine only. File extension used for local folder names. This is .MTX by default.

This option controls the order in which folder list entries will be presented in the FOLDER LIST screen. Choose one of the following:
sort by alphabetical name independent of type
sort by alphabetical name grouping directory entries to the end of the list
sort by alphabetical name grouping directory entries to the start of the list
The normal default is Alphabetical.

Winsock version of PC-Pine only.

Winsock version of PC-Pine only.

Winsock version of PC-Pine only.

System-wide Pine configuration files only. Force these address book entries into all writable personal address books. This is a list variable. Each item in the list has the form:
Nickname | Fullname | Address
with optional whitespace in all the obvious places.

A Form Letter Folder is a mail folder that is intended to contain messages that you have composed and that are intended to be sent in their original form repeatedly.

Setting this variable will alter Pine's usual behavior when you execute the Compose command. Normally, Pine offers a chance to continue a postponed or interrupted message should one or the other exist. When this variable is set to a folder name that exists, Pine will also offer the chance to select a message from the folder to insert into the composer, much like when continuing a postponed message. The difference, however, is that Pine will not automatically delete the selected message from the Form Letter Folder.

Setting this variable will also affect Pine's behavior when you Postpone a message from the composer. Normally, Pine simply stashes the message away in your Postponed-Folder. Regardless of the specified folder's existence, Pine will ask which folder you intend the message to be stored in. Choose the "F" option to store the message in your Form Letter Folder. This is the most common way to add a message to the folder.

Another method of adding messages to the folder is via the Pine composer's Fcc: field. If you are sending a message that you expect to send in the same form again, you can enter the Form Letter Folder's name in this field. Pine, as usual, will copy the message as it's sent. Note, when you later select this message from your Form Letter Folder, it will have the same recipients as the original message.

To delete a message from the Form Letter Folder, you can either select the folder from a suitable FOLDER LIST screen, or use the Delete command in the MESSAGE INDEX offered when selecting from the folder as part of the Compose command. You can delete a Form Letter Folder just as any other folder from a suitable FOLDER LIST screen.

You may find that the Roles facility introduced in Pine 4.10 can be used to replace the Form Letter Folder.

A list of shared address books. Each entry in the list is an optional nickname followed by a pathname or file name relative to the home directory. A SPACE character separates the nickname from the rest of the line. Instead of a local pathname or file name, a remote folder name can be given. This causes the address book to be a Remote address book. Remote folder syntax is discussed in Syntax for Remote Folders. This list will be added to the address-book list to arrive at the complete set of address books. Global address books are defined to be ReadOnly.

This value affects Pine's behavior when using the Goto command. There are five possible values for this option:

Pine will offer the most recently visited folder in the default collection found in the "Collection List" screen as the default.

If the current folder is INBOX, Pine will offer the most recently visited folder in the default collection found in the "Collection List" screen. If the current folder is other than INBOX, INBOX is offered as the default.

This is Pine's default behavior. If the current folder is INBOX, Pine will offer the last open folder as the default. If the current folder is other than INBOX, INBOX is offered as the default.

Instead of offering the most recently visited folder in the default collection, the default collection is offered but with INBOX as the default folder. If you type in a folder name it will be in the default collection. If you simply accept the default, however, your INBOX will be opened.

The last accepted value simply causes the most recently opened folder to be offered as the default regardless of the currently opened folder.

NOTE: The default while a newsgroup is open remains the same; the last open newsgroup.

This variable names the program to call for displaying parts of a MIME message that are of type IMAGE. If your system supports the mailcap system, you don't need to set this variable.

This specifies the name of the folder to use for the INBOX. By default this is unset and the system's default is used. The most common reason for setting this is to open an IMAP mailbox for the INBOX. For example, {}inbox will open the user's standard INBOX on the mail server, imap5.

This is like read-message-folder, only more general. This is a list of folder pairs, with the first separated from the second in the pair by a space. The first folder in a pair is the folder you want to archive, and the second folder is the folder that read messages from the first should be moved to. Depending on how you define the auto-move-read-msgs feature, you may or may not be asked when you leave the first folder if you want read messages to be moved to the second folder. In either case, moving the messages means they will be deleted from the first folder.

If these are not path names, they will be in the default collection for Saves. Any valid folder specification, local or remote (via IMAP), is allowed. There is no default.

This is a list of one or more folders other than INBOX that may receive new messages. This list is slightly special in that it is always expanded in the folder lister. In the future, it may become more special. For example, it would be nice if Pine would monitor the folders in this list for new mail.

This rule affects Pine's behavior when opening the INBOX or another folder from the "INCOMING MESSAGE FOLDERS". This rule tells Pine which message to make the current message when an incoming folder is opened. There are seven possible values for this option:

The current message will be the first unseen message which has not been marked deleted, or the last message if all of the messages have been seen. This is the default setting.

This is similar to first-unseen. Instead of first unseen it is the first recent message. A message is considered to be recent if it arrived since the last time the folder was open (by any mail client, not just the current one). So this option causes the current message to be set to the first undeleted-recent message, or the last message if none is both undeleted and recent.

This will result in the current message being set to the first message marked Important (but not Deleted). If no messages are marked Important, then it will be the last message.

This selects the minimum of the first unseen and the first important messages.

This selects the first of the first recent and the first important messages.

Set the current message to the first undeleted message unless all are deleted. In that case set it to the last message.

Set the current message to the last undeleted message unless all are deleted. In that case set it to the last message.

Index Colors.

This option is used to customize the content of lines in the MESSAGE INDEX screen. Each line is intended to convey some amount of immediately relevant information about each message in the current folder.

Pine provides a pre-defined set of informational fields with reasonable column widths automatically computed. You can, however, replace this default set by listing special tokens in the order you want them displayed.

The list of available tokens is here.

Spaces are used to separate listed tokens. Additionally, you can specify how much of the screen's width the taken's associated data should occupy on the index line by appending the token with a pair of parentheses enclosing either a number or percentage. For example, "SUBJECT(13)" means to allocate 13 characters of space to the subject column, and "SUBJECT(20%)" means to allocate 20% of the available space to the subjects column, while plain "SUBJECT" means the system will attempt to figure out a reasonable amount of space.

There is always one space between every pair of columns, so if you use fixed column widths (like 13) you should remember to take that into account. Several of the fields are virtually fixed-width, so it doesn't make much sense to specify the width for them. The fields STATUS, FULLSTATUS, MSGNO, the DATE fields, SIZE, and DESCRIPSIZE all fall into that category. You may specify widths for those if you wish, but you're probably better off letting the system pick those widths.

The default is equivalent to:


This means that the four fields without percentages will be allocated first, and then 33% and 67% of the remaining space will go to the from and subject fields. If one of those two fields is specified as a percentage and the other is left for the system to choose, then the percentage is taken as an absolute percentage of the screen, not of the space remaining after allocating the first four columns. It doesn't usually make sense to do it that way. If you leave off all the widths, then the subject and from fields (if both are present) are allocated space in a 2 to 1 ratio, which is almost exactly the same as the default.

What you are most likely to do with this configuration option is to specify which fields appear at all, which order they appear in, and the percentage of screen that is used for the from and subject fields if you don't like the 2 to 1 default.

This is a comma-separated list of keystrokes which Pine executes on startup. Items in the list are usually just characters, but there are some special values. SPACE, TAB, and CR mean a space character, tab character, and a carriage return, respectively. F1 through F12 stand for the twelve function keys. UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT stand for the arrow keys. Control characters are represented with ^<char>. A restriction is that you can't mix function keys and character keys in this list even though you can, in some cases, mix them when running Pine. A user can always use only character keys in the startup list even if he or she is using function keys normally, or vice versa. If an element in this list is a string surrounded by double quotes (") then it will be expanded into the individual characters in the string, excluding the double quotes.

System-wide Pine configuration files only. Number of times a user will have to enter a password when they run the keyboard lock command in the main menu.

KeyLabel Color.

KeyName Color.

Personal configuration file only. This variable records the month the user was last asked if his or her sent-mail folders should be pruned. The format is This is automatically updated by Pine when the the pruning is done or declined. If a user wanted to make Pine stop asking this question he or she could set this time to something far in the future. This may not be set in the system-wide configuration files. Note: The yy year is actually the number of years since 1900, so it will be equal to 101 in the year 2001.

Personal configuration file only. This is set automatically by Pine. It is used to keep track of the last version of Pine that was run by the user. Whenever the version number increases, a new version message is printed out. This may not be set in the system-wide configuration files.

This is only available if Pine was linked with an LDAP library when it was compiled. This variable is normally managed by Pine though it can be set in the system-wide configuration files as well as the personal configuration. It is a list variable. Each item in the list contains quite a bit of extra information besides just the server name. To put this into a system-wide config file the easiest thing to do is to configure a personal Pine for the LDAP server then copy the configuration line into the system-wide config file. Each item in the list looks like:
server_name[:port] "quoted stuff"
The server_name is just a hostname and it is followed by an optional colon and port number. The default port is 389. Following the server name is a single SPACE character followed by a bunch of characters inside double quotes. The part inside the quotes is a set of tag = value pairs. Each tag is preceded by a slash (/) and followed by an equal sign. The value for that tag is the text up to the next slash. An example of some quoted stuff is:
"/base=o=University of Washington, c=US/impl=0/.../nick=My Server"
This would set the search base for this server to o=University of Washington, c=US, set the implicit bit to zero, and set the nickname for the server to My Server. All of the tags correspond directly to items in the Setup/Directory screen so experiment with that if you want to see what the possible tags and values are.

With this option your actual signature, as opposed to the name of a file containing your signature, is stored in the Pine configuration file. If this is defined it takes precedence over the signature-file option.

This is simply a different way to store the signature data. The signature is stored inside your Pine configuration file instead of in a separate signature file. Tokens contained in the signature work the same way they do with the regular signature-file.

The Setup/Signature command in Pine's Main Menu will edit the literal-signature by default. However, if no literal-signature is defined and the file named in the signature-file option exists, then the latter will be used instead. Compose (Reply, Forward, ...) will default to using the literal-signature if defined, otherwise it will use the contents of the file named in signature-file.

The Pine composer is used to edit the literal-signature. The result of that edit is first converted to a C-style string before it is stored in the configuration file. In particular, the two character sequence \n (backslash followed by the character "n") will be used to signify a line-break in the signature. You don't have to enter the \n, but it will be visible in the SETUP CONFIGURATION window after you are done editing the signature.

This option specifies, in seconds, how often Pine will check for new mail. If set to zero, new-mail checking is disabled. There is a minimum value, normally 15 seconds. A side effect of disabling mail checking is that there will be situations in which the user's IMAP connection will be broken due to inactivity timers on the server. Another side effect is that the user-input-timeout option won't work.

This variable was more important in previous versions of Pine. Now it is used only as the default for storing personal folders (and only if there are no folder-collections defined). The default value is ~/mail on UNIX and $HOME\MAIL on a PC.

This variable is used to replace Pine's default mailcap file search path. It takes one or more file names (full paths must be specified) in which to look for mail capability data.

This variable is used to replace Pine's default mime.types file search path. It takes one or more file names (full paths must be specified) in which to look for file-name-extension to MIME type mapping data. See the Config Notes for details on Pine's usage of the MIME.Types File.

When a new version of Pine is run for the first time it offers a special explanatory screen to the user upon startup. This option helps control when and if that special screen appears for users that have previously run Pine. It takes as its value a Pine version number. Pine versions less than the specified value will supress this special screen while versions equal to or greater than that specified will behave normally.

This option tells Pine where to look for the "active file" for newsgroups when accessing news locally, rather than via NNTP. The default path is usually /usr/lib/news/active.

This is a list of collections where news folders are located. See the section describing collections for more information.

This option tells Pine where to look for the "news spool" for newsgroups when accessing news locally, rather than via NNTP. The default path is usually /usr/spool/news.

This option overrides the default name Pine uses for your "newsrc" news status and subscription file. If set, Pine will take this value as the full pathname for the desired newsrc file.

One or more NNTP servers (host name or IP address) which Pine will use for reading and sending news. If you read and post news to and from a single NNTP server, you can get away with only setting the nntp-server variable and leaving the news-collections variable unset.

Normal Color.

System-wide Pine configuration files only. This names the root of the tree to which the user is restricted when reading and writing folders and files. It is usually used in the fixed configuration file.

Matching patterns and their corresponding actions are stored in this variable. These patterns are used with Filtering. This variable is normally maintained through the Setup/Rules/Filters configuration screen. It is a list variable. Each member of the list is a single pattern/action pair, or it can be a file which contains zero or more lines of pattern/action pairs. The only way to create a filters file is to use the InsertFile command in the Setup/Rules/Filters screen with a filename which doesn't yet exist. Then use the Shuffle command to move existing filter patterns into the file. This isn't very convenient but it isn't thought that many users will need this functionality. The purpose of filter files is for sharing filters.

Matching patterns and their corresponding actions are stored in this variable. These patterns are used for Index Line Colors. This variable is normally maintained through the Setup/Rules/Indexcolor configuration screen. It is a list variable. Each member of the list is a single pattern/action pair, or it can be a file which contains zero or more lines of pattern/action pairs. The only way to create a indexcolor file is to use the InsertFile command in the Setup/Rules/Indexcolor screen with a filename which doesn't yet exist. Then use the Shuffle command to move existing patterns into the file. This isn't very convenient but it isn't thought that many users will need this functionality. The purpose of indexcolor files is for sharing indexcolors.

Matching patterns and their corresponding actions are stored in this variable. These patterns are used with Miscellaneous Rules configuration. This variable is normally maintained through the Setup/Rules/Other configuration screen. It is a list variable. Each member of the list is a single pattern/action pair, or it can be a file which contains zero or more lines of pattern/action pairs. The only way to create a rules file is to use the InsertFile command in the Setup/Rules/Other screen with a filename which doesn't yet exist. Then use the Shuffle command to move existing rules into the file. This isn't very convenient but it isn't thought that many users will need this functionality.

Matching patterns and their corresponding actions are stored in this variable. These patterns are used with Roles. This variable is normally maintained through the Setup/Rules/Roles configuration screen. It is a list variable. Each member of the list is a single pattern/action pair, or it can be a file which contains zero or more lines of pattern/action pairs. The only way to create a roles file is to use the InsertFile command in the Setup/Rules/Roles screen with a filename which doesn't yet exist. Then use the Shuffle command to move existing roles into the file. This isn't very convenient but it isn't thought that many users will need this functionality. The purpose of role files is for sharing roles.

Matching patterns and their corresponding actions are stored in this variable. These patterns are used with Scoring. This variable is normally maintained through the Setup/Rules/SetScores configuration screen. It is a list variable. Each member of the list is a single pattern/action pair, or it can be a file which contains zero or more lines of pattern/action pairs. The only way to create a scores file is to use the InsertFile command in the Setup/Rules/SetScores screen with a filename which doesn't yet exist. Then use the Shuffle command to move existing scoring patterns into the file. This isn't very convenient but it isn't thought that many users will need this functionality. The purpose of scoring files is for sharing scoring rules.

Personal configuration file only. User's full personal name. On UNIX systems, the default is taken from the accounts data base (/etc/passwd).

Personal configuration file only. This is the category that the default print command belongs to. There are three categories. Category 1 is an attached printer which uses the ANSI escape sequence, category 2 is the standard system print command, and category 3 is the set of custom printer commands defined by the user. This just helps Pine figure out where to put the cursor when the user runs the Setup/Printer command. This is not used by PC-Pine.

Personal configuration file only. This corresponds to the third category in the printer menu, the personally selected print commands. This variable contains the list of custom commands that the user has entered in the Setup/Printer screen. This is not used by PC-Pine.

The folder where postponed messages are stored. The default is postponed-msgs (Unix) or POSTPOND (PC).

Winsock version of PC-Pine only.

Winsock version of PC-Pine only.

Winsock version of PC-Pine only.

Personal configuration file only. This is the current setting for a user's printer. This variable is set from Pine's Setup/Printer screen.

Prompt Color.

This variable allows you to define a list of one or more folders that Pine will offer to prune for you in the same way it automatically offers to prune your sent-mail folder each month. That is, once a month for each folder listed, Pine will offer to move the contents of the folder to a new folder of the same name but with the previous month's date appended. Pine will then look for any such date-appended folder names created for a previous month, and offer each one it finds for deletion. If you decline the first offer, no mail is moved and no new folder is created. Folders listed are assumed to exist, and the archive folders will be created, in the first collection defined by the folder-collections variable.

By default, Pine will ask at the beginning of each month whether or not you want to rename your sent-mail folder to a name like sent-mail-month-year. It will also ask whether you would like to delete old sent-mail folders. If you have defined read-message-folder or pruned-folders Pine will also ask about pruning those folders. With this option you may provide an automatic answer to the rename questions and you may tell Pine to not ask about deleting old folders.

Quote Colors.

If set, mail in the INBOX that has been read but not deleted is moved here, or rather, the user is asked whether or not he or she wants to move it here upon quitting Pine.

Sets how many extra copies of remote address book data will be kept in each remote address book folder. The default is three. These extra copies are simply old versions of the data. Each time a change is made a new copy of the address book data is appended to the folder. Old copies are trimmed, if possible, when Pine exits. An old copy can be put back into use by deleting and expunging newer versions of the data from the folder. Don't delete the first message from the folder. It is a special header message for the remote address book and it must be there. This is to prevent regular folders from being used as remote address book folders and having their data destroyed.

Personal configuration file only. This is usually set by Pine and is the name of a file that contains data about remote address books and remote configuration files.

Sets the minimum number of minutes that a remote address book will be considered up to date. Whenever an entry contained in a remote address book is used, if more than this many minutes have passed since the last check the remote server will be queried to see if the address book has changed. If it has changed, the local copy is updated. The default value is five minutes. The special value of -1 means never check. The special value of zero means only check when the address book is first opened.

No matter what the value, the validity check is always done when the address book is about to be changed by the user. The check can be initiated manually by typing ^L (control-L) while in the address book maintenance screen for the remote address book.

This variable specifies an aspect of Pine's Reply command. When a message is replied to and the text of the message is included, the included text usually has the string "> " prepended to each line indicating it is quoted text.

This option specifies a different value for that string. If you wish to use a string which begins or ends with a space, enclose the string in double quotes.

Besides simple text, the prepended string can be based on the message being replied to. The following tokens are substituted for the message's corresponding value:

This token gets replaced with the message sender's "username". At most six characters are used.
This token gets replaced with the nickname of the message sender's address as found in your addressbook. If no addressbook entry is found, Pine replaces the characters "_NICK_" with nothing. At most six characters are used.
This token gets replaced with the initials of the sender of the message.
When the enable-reply-indent-string-editing feature is enabled, you are given the opportunity to edit the string, whether it is the default or one automatically generated using the above tokens.

This variable specifies an aspect of Pine's Reply command. When a message is replied to and the text of the message is included, that text has an introductory line preceding it. The normal default if you don't set this variable looks something like:

On Sat, 24 Oct 1998, Fred Flintstone wrote:

where the day of the week is only included if it is available in the original message. You may replace this default with text of your own. The text may contain tokens which are replaced with text which depends on the message you are replying to. For example, the default is equivalent to:

On _DAYDATE_, _FROM_ wrote:

The list of available tokens is here.

For the adventurous, there is a way to conditionally include text based on whether or not a token would result in specific replacement text. For example, you could include some text based on whether or not the _NEWS_ token would result in any newsgroups if it was used. It's explained in detail here.

If your Reply-Leadin turns out to be longer than 80 characters when replying to a particular message, it is shortened.

In the very unlikely event that you want to include a literal token in the introduction line you must precede it with a backslash character. For example,


would produce something like

_DAYDATE_ = Sat, 24 Oct 1998

It is not possible to have a literal backslash followed by an expanded token.

Reverse Color.

Sets the format of the command used to open a UNIX remote shell connection. The default is "%s %s -l %s exec /etc/r%sd". All four "%s" entries MUST exist in the provided command. The first is for the command's pathname, the second is for the host to connnect to, the third is for the user to connect as, and the fourth is for the connection method (typically imap).

Sets the time in seconds that Pine will attempt to open a UNIX remote shell connection. The default is 15, the minimum non-zero value is 5, and the maximum is unlimited. If this is set to zero rsh connections will be completely disabled.

Sets the name of the command used to open a UNIX remote shell connection. The default is typically /usr/ucb/rsh.

Determines default folder name when Saving. If set to default-folder (which is the default setting), then Pine will offer the folder "saved-messages" (UNIX) or "SAVEMAIL" (PC) for Saving messages. The default folder offered in this way may be changed by using the configuration variable default-saved-msg-folder.

If this rule is set to last-folder-used, Pine offers to Save to the folder you last successfully Saved a message to (this session). The first time you Save a message in a session, Pine offers to Save the message to the default folder.

Choosing any of the by- options causes Pine to attempt to get the chosen option's value for the message being Saved. For example, if by-from is chosen, Pine attempts to get the value of who the message came from (i.e. the from address). Pine then attempts to Save the message to a folder matching that value. If by-from is chosen and no value is obtained, Pine uses by-sender. The opposite is also true. If by-recipient was chosen and the message was posted to a newsgroup, Pine will use the newsgroup name. If by-replyto is chosen and no value is obtained, Pine uses by-from.

If any of the "by-realname" options are chosen, Pine will attempt to use the personal name part of the address instead of the mailbox part. If any of the "by-nick" options are chosen, the address is looked up in your address book and if found, the nickname for that entry is used. Only simple address book entries are checked, not distribution lists. Similarly, if any of the "by-fcc" options are chosen, the fcc from the corresponding address book entry is used. If by-realname, or the by-nick or by-fcc lookups result in no value, then if the chosen option ends with the "then-from", "then-sender", "then-replyto", or "then-recip" suffix, Pine reverts to the same behavior as "by-from", "by-sender", "by-replyto", or "by-recip" depending on which option was specified. If the chosen option doesn't end with one of the "then-" suffixes, then Pine reverts to the default folder when no match is found in the address book.

Here is an example to make some of the options clearer. If the message is From

Fred Flintstone <>

and this rule is set to "by-from", then the default folder offered in the save dialog would be "flint".

If this rule is set to "by-realname-of-from" then the default would be "Fred Flintstone".

If this rule is set to "by-nick-of-from" then Pine will search for the address "" in your address book. If an entry is found and it has a nickname associated with it, that nickname will be offered as the default folder. If not, the default saved message folder will be offered as the default.

If this rule is set to "by-fcc-of-from" then Pine will search for the address "" in your address book. If an entry is found and it has an Fcc associated with it, that Fcc will be offered as the default folder. If not, the default saved message folder will be offered as the default.

If this rule is set to "by-nick-of-from-then-from" then Pine will search for the address "" in your address book. If an entry is found and it has a nickname associated with it, that nickname will be offered as the default folder. If it is not found (or has no nickname) then the default offered will be the same as it would be for the "by-from" rule. That is, it would be "flint"

This option controls when Pine's line-by-line scrolling occurs. Typically, when a selected item is at the top or bottom screen edge and the UP or DOWN (and Ctrl-P or Ctrl-N) keys are pressed, the displayed items are scrolled down or up by a single line.

This option allows you to tell Pine the number of lines from the top and bottom screen edge that line-by-line scrolling should occur. For example, setting this value to one (1) will cause Pine to scroll the display when you move to select an item on the display's top or bottom edge (instead of moving when you move off the edge of the screen).

By default, this variable is zero (0), indicating that scrolling happens when you move up or down to select an item immediately off the display's top or bottom edge.

Selectable-item Color.

This option defines a list of text-filtering commands (programs and scripts) that may be selectively invoked to process a message just before it is sent. If set, the Composer's ^X Send command will allow you to select which filter (or none) to apply to the message before it is sent. For security reasons, the full path of the filter program must be specified.

Sending filters do not work with PC-Pine.

Command Modifying Tokens:

When the command is executed, this token is replaced with the space delimited list of recipients of the message being sent.
When the command is executed, this token is replaced with the path and name of the temporary file containing the text to be filtered. Pine expects the filter to replace this data with the filter's result. NOTE: Use of this token implies that the text to be filtered is not piped into standard input of the executed command and its standard output is ignored. Pine restores the tty modes before invoking the filter in case the filter interacts with the user via its own standard input and output.
When the command is executed, this token is replaced with the path and name of a temporary file intended to contain a status message from the filter. Pine displays this in the message status field.
When the command is executed, this token is replaced in the command line with the path and name of a temporary file that Pine creates once per session and deletes upon exit. The file is intended to be used by the filter to store state information between instances of the filter.
When the command is executed, this token indicates that a random number will be passed down the input stream before the message text. It is not included as a command-line argument. This number could be used as a session key. It is sent in this way to improve security. The number is unique to the current Pine session and is only generated once per session.
When the command is executed, this token indicates that the headers of the message will be passed down the input stream before the message text. It is not included as a command-line argument. The filter should, of course, remove the headers before returning control to Pine.
When the command is executed, this token is replaced in the command name with a temporary file name used to accept any new MIME Content-Type information necessitated by the output of the filter. Upon the filter's exit, if the file contains new MIME type information, Pine verifies its format and replaces the outgoing message's MIME type information with that contained in the file. This is basically a cheap way of sending something other than Text/Plain.

This names the path to an alternative program, and any necessary arguments, to be used in posting mail messages. See the section on SMTP and Sendmail for more details.

This is the name of a file which will be automatically inserted into outgoing messages. It typically contains information such as your name, email address and organizational affiliation. Pine adds the signature into the message as soon as you enter the composer so you can choose to remove it or edit it on a message by message basis. Signature file placement in message replies is controlled by the signature-at-bottom setting in the feature list.

This defaults to ~/.signature on UNIX and <PINERC directory>\PINE.SIG on a PC.

To create or edit your signature file choose Setup from the Main Menu and then select S for Signature (Main/Setup/Signature). This puts you into the Signature Editor where you can enter a few lines of text containing your identity and affiliation.

If the filename is followed by a vertical bar (|) then instead of reading the contents of the file the file is assumed to be a program which will produce the text to be used on its standard output. The program can't have any arguments and doesn't receive any input from Pine, but the rest of the processing works as if the contents came from a file.

Instead of storing the data in a local file, the signature data may be stored remotely in an IMAP folder. In order to do this, you must use a remote name for the file. A remote signature-file name might look like:


or, if you have an SSL-capable version of Pine, you might try


The syntax used here is the same as the syntax used for remote configuration files from the command line. Note that you may not access an existing signature file remotely, you have to create a new folder which contains the signature data. If the name you use here for the signature file is a remote name, then when you edit the file from the Setup/Signature command the data will be stored remotely in the folder. You aren't required to do anything special to create the folder, it gets created automatically if you use a remote name.

Besides regular text, the signature file may also contain (or a signature program may produce) tokens which are replaced with text which usually depends on the message you are replying to or forwarding. For example, if the signature file contains the token


anywhere in the text, then that token is replaced by the date the message you are replying to or forwarding was sent. If it contains


that is replaced with the current date. The first is an example of a token which depends on the message you are replying to (or forwarding) and the second is an example which doesn't depend on anything other than the current date. You have to be a little careful with this facility since tokens which depend on the message you are replying to or forwarding will be replaced by nothing in the case where you are composing a new message from scratch. The use of roles may help you in this respect. It allows you to use different signature files in different cases.

The list of tokens available for use in the signature file is here.

Instead of, or along with the use of roles to give you different signature files in different situations, there is also a way to conditionally include text based on whether or not a token would result in specific replacement text. For example, you could include some text based on whether or not the _NEWS_ token would result in any newsgroups if it was used. This is explained in detail here. This isn't for the faint of heart.

In the very unlikely event that you want to include a literal token in the signature you must precede it with a backslash character. For example,


would produce something like

_DAYDATE_ = Sat, 24 Oct 1998

It is not possible to have a literal backslash followed by an expanded token.

One or more SMTP servers (host name or IP address) which Pine will use for outgoing mail. If not set, Pine passes outgoing email to the sendmail program on the local machine. PC-Pine users must have this variable set in order to send mail as they have no sendmail program. An alternate port may be specified by appending :port to the host name or IP address. See the SMTP Servers section for details.

This variable sets up the default Message Index sorting. The default is to sort by arrival order (the order the messages arrived in the folder). It has the same functionality as the -sort command line argument and the $ command in the "Folder Index". If a sort-key is set, then all folders open during the session will have that as the default sort order.

This option affects the behavior of the ^T (spell check) command in the Composer. It specifies the program invoked by ^T in the Composer. By default, Pine uses the system's "spell" command. Pine will use the command defined by this option (if any) instead. When invoking the spell-checking program, Pine appends a tempfile name (where the message is passed) to the command line. Pine expects the speller to correct the spelling in that file. When you exit from the speller program Pine will read the tmpfile back into the composer.

For Unix Pine the program ispell works well as an alternate spell checker. If your Unix system has ispell it is probably reasonable to make it the default speller by configuring it as the default in the system configuration file, /usr/local/lib/pine.conf.

If this option is not set, then the system's spell command is used. The spell command does not work the same as the alternate speller. It produces a list of misspelled words on its standard output, instead, and doesn't take a tempfile as an argument. Don't set this speller option to the standard Unix spell command. That won't work. If you want to use the standard Unix spell command, set the speller option to nothing.

Sets the format of the command used to open a UNIX secure shell connection. The default is "%s %s -l %s exec /etc/r%sd". All four "%s" entries MUST exist in the provided command. The first is for the command's pathname, the second is for the host to connnect to, the third is for the user to connect as, and the fourth is for the connection method (typically imap).

Sets the time in seconds that Pine will attempt to open a UNIX secure shell connection. The default is 15, the minimum non-zero value is 5, and the maximum is unlimited. If this is set to zero ssh connections will be completely disabled.

Sets the name of the command used to open a UNIX secure shell connection. The default is typically /usr/local/bin/ssh.

System-wide configuration file only. Specifies a list of commands for category 2 of the Setup/Printer screen, the standard print command section. This is not used by PC-Pine.

Status Color.

If this is set to a positive number, it causes the cursor to move to the status line whenever a status message is printed and pause there for this many seconds. It will probably only be useful if the show-cursor feature is also turned on. Most users should leave this set to the default value of zero since its only effect is to slow things down.

Sets the time in seconds that Pine will attempt to open a network connection. The default is 30, the minimum is 5, and the maximum is system defined (typically 75). If a connection has not completed within this many seconds Pine will give up and consider it a failed connection.

When Pine times out a network read or write it will normally just display a message saying "Still waiting". However, if enough time has elapsed since it started waiting it will offer to let you break the connection. That amount of time is set by this option, which defaults to 60 seconds, has a minimum of 5 seconds, and a maximum of 1000 seconds.

Sets the time in seconds that Pine will wait for a network read before warning you that things are moving slowly and possibly giving you the option to break the connection. The default is 15 seconds. The minimum is 5 seconds and the maximumn is 1000 seconds.

Sets the time in seconds that Pine will wait for a network write before warning you that things are moving slowly and possibly giving you the option to break the connection. The default is 0 which means it is unset. If set to a non-zero value, the minimum is 5 and the maximum is 1000.
Title Color.

This option affects the behavior of the Composer's ^R (Read File) and ^J (Attach File, in the header) commands. It specifies a Unix program name, and any necessary command line arguments, that Pine can use to transfer files from your personal computer into messages that you are composing.

This option is used in conjunction with the upload-command option. It defines text to be written to the terminal emulator (via standard output) immediately prior to starting the upload command. This is useful for integrated serial line file transfer agents that permit command passing (e.g., Kermit's APC method).

List of programs to use to open Internet URLs. This value affects Pine's handling of URLs that are found in the text of messages you read. Normally, only URLs Pine can handle directly are automatically offered for selection in the "Message Text" screen. When one or more comma delimited Web browsers capable of deciphering URLs on their command line are added here, Pine will choose the first available browser to display URLs it doesn't recognize.

Additionally, to support various connection methods and browsers, each entry in this list can begin with the special token _TEST(test-string)_. The test-string is a shell command that Pine will run and which must exit with a status of zero for Pine to consider that browser for use (the other criteria is that the browser must exist as a full path or a path relative to your home directory).

Now for an example:

url-viewers=_TEST("test -n '${DISPLAY}'")_ /usr/local/bin/netscape, /usr/local/bin/lynx, C:\BIN\NETSCAPE.BAT
This example shows that for the first browser in the list to be used the environment variable DISPLAY must be defined. If it is, then the file /usr/local/bin/netscape must exist. If either condition is not met, then the file /usr/local/bin/lynx must exist. If it doesn't, then the final path and file must exist. Note that the last entry is a DOS/Windows path. This is one way to support Pine running on more than one architecture with the same configuration file.

Can be set to yes or no. Anything but yes means no. If set to yes the first label in the host name will be lopped off to get the domain name and the domain name will be used for outgoing mail and such. That is, if the host name is and this variable is set to yes, then will be used on outgoing mail. Only meaningful if user-domain is NOT set.

Sets the domain or host name for the user, overriding the system host or domain name. See the domain name section.

PC-Pine only and personal configuration file only. Sets the username that is placed on all outgoing messages. The username is the part of the address that comes before the "@".

If this is set to an integer greater than zero, then this is the number of hours to wait for user input before Pine times out. If Pine is in the midst of composing a message or is waiting for user response to a question, then it will not timeout. However, if Pine is sitting idle waiting for the user to tell it what to do next and the user does not give any input for this many hours, Pine will exit. No expunging or moving of read messages will take place. It will exit similarly to the way it would exit if it received a hangup signal. This may be useful for cleaning up unused Pine sessions which have been forgotten by their owners. The Pine developers envision system administrators setting this to a value of several hours (24?) so that it won't surprise a user who didn't want to be disconnected.

This variable holds the optional Header Colors and patterns which have been defined by the user. This is usually modified by using the Header Colors section of the Setup Color screen.

You may change the default list of headers that are viewed by listing the headers you want to view here. If the headers in your viewer-hdrs list are present in the message, then they will be shown. The order of the headers you list will also be honored. If the special value all-except is included as the first header in the viewer-hdrs list, then all headers in the message except those in the list will be shown. The values are all case insensitive.

This option specifies an aspect of Pine's Message Viewing screen. When the space bar is used to page forward in a message, the number of lines specified by the viewer-overlap variable will be repeated from the bottom of the screen. That is, if this was set to two lines, then the bottom two lines of the screen would be repeated on the top of the next screen. The normal default value is "2".

Winsock version of PC-Pine only. Window position in the format: CxR+X+Yn Where C and R are the window size in characters and X and Y are the screen position of the top left corner of the window.

Configuration Features

There are several features (options) which may be turned off or on. The configuration variable feature-list is a list of all the features that are turned on or off. If the name of a feature is in the list it will be turned on. If the name of a feature with the characters no- prepended is in the list, it will turn the feature off. This is useful for overriding system-wide defaults. This is because, unlike all the other configuration variables, the feature-list is additive. That is, first the system-wide feature-list is read and then the user's feature-list is read. This makes it possible for the system manager to turn some of the features on by default while still allowing the user to cancel that default. For example, if the system manager has turned on the allow-talk feature by default then a user may turn it back off by including the feature no-allow-talk in his or her personal configuration file. Of course, these details are usually handled by Pine when the user turns an option on or off from inside the Setup/Config screen.

System managers should take some care when turning on features by default. Some of the documentation assumes that all of the features are off by default, so it could be confusing for a user if some are on by default instead.

Here is an alphabetical list of possible features.

Prior to Pine 4.00 there was a compile-time option called ALLOW_CHANGING_FROM. That has been replaced by a runtime feature. If this feature is turned on then the From line can be changed just like all the other header fields that can be changed. See the configuration variables customized-hdrs and default-composer-hdrs for more information on editing headers.

Beginning with Pine 4.30 the default value for this feature has been changed from OFF to ON, so that editing of From headers is now allowed by default.

Unix Pine only. By default, permission for others to talk to your terminal is turned off when you are running Pine. When this feature is set, permission is instead turned on.

Note: The talk program has nothing to do with Pine or email. The talk daemon on your system will attempt to print a message on your screen when someone else is trying to contact you. If you wish to see these messages while you are running Pine, you should enable this feature.

If you do enable this feature and see a talk message, you must suspend or quit Pine before you can respond.

This feature controls the menu that is displayed when Compose is selected. If set, a list of options will be presented, with each option representing the type of composition that could be used. This feature is most useful for users who want to avoid being prompted with each option separately, or who want to avoid the checking of remote postponed or form letter folders. The possible types of composition are:

New, for starting a new composition. Note that if New is selected and roles are set, roles are checked for matches and applied according to the setting of the matching role.

Interrupted, for continuing an interrupted composition. This option is only offered if an interrupted message folder is detected.

Postponed, for continuing postponed compositions. This option is offered if a postponed-folder is set in the config REGARDLESS OF whether or not the postponed folder actually exists. This option is especially handy for avoiding having to check for the existence of a remote postponed folder.

Form, for using form letters. This option is offered if the form-letter-folder is set in the config, and is not checked for existence for reasons similar to those explained by the postponed option.

setRole, for selecting a role to apply to a composition.

This feature affects Pine's display routines. If set, the normal inverse-video cursor (used to highlight the current item in a list) will be replaced by an arrow cursor and other screen update optimizations for low-speed links (e.g. 2400 bps dialup connections) will be activated. This might be useful if you know you have a slow speed link but for some reason Pine doesn't know.

This feature controls an aspect of Pine's behavior upon quitting. If set, and the read-message-folder variable is also set, then Pine will automatically transfer all read messages from the INBOX to the designated folder and mark them as deleted in the INBOX. Messages in the INBOX marked with an N (meaning New, or unseen) are not affected.

This feature controls the behavior of the TAB key when traversing folders in the optional incoming-folders collection or in optional news-collections.

When the TAB (Next New) key is pressed, and there are no more unseen messages in the current (incoming message or news) folder, Pine will search the list of folders in the current collection for one containing New or Recent (new since the last time the folder was opened) messages. By default, when such a folder is found, Pine will ask whether you wish to open the folder. If this feature is set, Pine will automatically open the folder without prompting.

If set, and if you are currently looking at a Zoomed Index view of selected messages, the Apply command will do the operation you specify, but then will implicitly do an UnZoom, so that you will automatically be back in the normal Index view after the Apply.

If set, the ; select command will automatically perform a Zoom after the select is complete.

If set, Pine will check for new mail after you give the Quit command. If new mail has arrived since the previous check, you will be notified and given the choice of quitting or not quitting.

This feature affects the address book display screens. Normally, expanding an address book from the ADDRESS BOOK LIST screen will cause the remaining address books and directory servers to disappear from the screen, leaving only the entries of the expanded address book. If this feature is set, then the other address books will remain on the screen, so that all of the address books can be present at once.

The way that commands work won't be changed. For example, the Select All command will select all of the entries in the current address book, not all of the entries in all of the address books. The WhereIs command will change a little. It will search through all of the text on the screen plus all of the entries from expanded address books.

When this feature is set, the setting of the feature expanded-view-of-addressbooks has an effect.

This feature affects the folder list display screens. Normally, each folder list is viewed within its collection only. This command allows folder lists to be viewed within a single screen that combines the contents of all collections.

The way that commands work won't be changed. For example, the Select All command will select all of the folders in the current collection, not all of the entries in all of the collections. The WhereIs command will change a little. It will search through all of the folders in the current collection as well as all the folder in any other expanded collection.

When this feature is set, the setting of the feature expanded-view-of-folders has an effect.

This feature affects the Folder List screen when the combined-folder-display feature is enabled. Normally, selecting a directory from the Folder List takes you into a new screen displaying only the contents of that directory.

Enabling this feature will cause the contents of the selected directory to be displayed within the boundaries of the Collection it is a part of. All previously displayed collections will remain in the screen.

The way that commands work won't be changed. For example, the Select All command will select all of the folders in the directory, as opposed to all of the entries in all of the collections. The WhereIs command will change a little. It will search through all of the folders in the current collection as well as all the folder in any other expanded collection.

If set, the ^K command in the composer will cut from the current cursor position to the end of the line, rather than cutting the entire line.

If set, Delete will be equivalent to ^D, and delete the current character. Normally Pine defines the Delete key to be equivalent to ^H, which deletes the previous character.

If set, unqualified names entered as addresses will be treated as errors unless they match an addressbook nickname or are looked up successfully on an LDAP server. Pine will not attempt to turn them into complete addresses by adding your local domain (which Pine normally does by default).

A complete (fully-qualified) address is one containing a username followed by an @ symbol, followed by a host or domain name (e.g. An unqualified name is one without the @ symbol and host or domain name (e.g. jsmith).

If you have sending-filters configured, setting this feature will cause the first filter in the sending-filters list to be offered as the default instead of unfiltered, the usual default.

If you enter the composer while reading a newsgroup, you will normally be prompted to determine whether you intend the new message to be posted to the current newsgroup or not. If this feature is set, Pine will not prompt you in this situation, and will assume that you do indeed wish to post to the newsgroup you are reading.

If you have roles, when you Reply to or Forward a message, or Compose a new message, Pine will search through your roles for one which matches. Normally, if no matches are found you will be placed into the composer with no opportunity to select a role. If this feature is set, then you will be asked to confirm that you don't want a role. This will give you the opportunity to select a role (with the ^T command). If you confirm no role with a Return, you will be placed in the composer with no role. You may also confirm with either an "N" or a "Y". These behave the same as if you pressed the Return. (The "N" and "Y" answers are available because they match what you might type if there was a role match.)

If you are using the alternate form of the Compose command called "Role", then all of your roles will be available to you, independent of the value of this feauture and of the values set for all of Reply Use, Forward Use, and Compose Use.

Normally, when you use the TAB NextNew command and there is a problem checking a folder, you are asked whether you want to continue with the search in the following folder or not. This gives you a chance to stop the NextNew processing.

If this feature is set you will not be asked. It will be assumed that you want to continue.

If set, this feature will cause the Delete command to advance past other messages that are marked deleted. In other words, pressing D will both mark the current message deleted and advance to the next message that is not marked deleted.

If set, the spinning bar that sometimes appears in the status line will not appear when Pine is busy. This might be useful if it is suspected that the alarm(2) system calls that Pine uses to implement the busy spinner are suspected of causing a problem.

If set, the configuration screen Setup/Config will not be available at all.

In the Main Pine menu there is a Keyboard locking command (KBLock). If this feature is set, that command won't be available to the user.

If set, the command key menu that normally appears on the bottom two lines of the screen will not usually be there. Asking for help with ^G or ? will cause the key menu to appear instead of causing the help message to come up. If you want to actually see the help text, another ^G or ? will show it to you. After the key menu has popped up with the help key it will remain there for an O Other command but will disappear if any other command is typed.

Normally, loginname/password combinations are cached in Pine so that the user does not have to enter the same password more than once in a session. A disadvantage to this approach is that the password must be stored in the memory image of the running Pine in order that it can be reused. In the event that Pine crashes and produces a core dump, and that core dump is readable by others, the loginname and password could possibly be read from the core dump.

If this hidden feature is set, then the passwords will not be cached and the user will have to retype the password whenever Pine needs it. Even with this feature set there is still some chance that the core file will contain a password, so care should be taken to make the core files unreadable.

NOTE: If PASSFILE caching is enabled, this does not disable it. That is a separate and independent feature.

If set the Newpassword command usually available under the Setup command will not be available.

If set it will be an error to append a vertical bar (|) to the name of a signature file. Appending a vertical bar normally causes the signature file to be executed to produce the signature.

If set it will be an error to append a vertical bar (|) to the name of a template file. Appending a vertical bar normally causes the signature file to be executed to produce the signature.

If set the Roles command usually available under the Setup command will not be available.

If set the roles editor in the Setup/Roles command will not allow editing of signature files with the F subcommand.

If set the roles editor in the Setup/Roles command will not allow editing of template files with the F subcommand.

If this hidden feature is set the automatic search for namespaces "ftp", "imapshared", and "imappublic" by the underlying library will be disabled. The reason this feature exists is because there are some implementations of system password lookup routines which are very slow when presented with a long loginname which does not exist. This feature could be set to prevent the delay at startup time when the names above are searched for in the password file.

If set the Signature editing command usually available under the Setup command will not be available.

Normally, when TakeAddr is used to copy an address from a message into an address book, Pine will attempt to rewrite the full name of the address in the form:
Last, First
instead of
First Last
It does this because many people find it useful to sort by Last name instead of First name. If this feature is set, then the TakeAddr command will not attempt to reverse the name in this manner.

This feature affects Pine's behavior when sending mail. Internet standards require that all electronic mail messages traversing the global Internet consist of 7bit ASCII characters unless a pair of cooperating mail transfer agents explicitly agree to allow 8bit messages. In general, then, exchanging messages in non-ASCII characters requires MIME encoding.

However, there are now Internet standards that allow for unencoded 8bit exchange of messages between cooperating systems. Setting this feature tells Pine to try to negotiate unencoded 8bit transmission during the sending process. Should the negotiation fail, Pine will fall back to its ordinary encoding rules.

Note, this feature relies on your system's mail transport agent or configured smtp-server having the negotiation mechanism introduced in "Extended SMTP" (ESMTP) and the specific extension called 8BITMIME.

The Internet standard for exchanging USENET news messages (RFC-1036) specifies that USENET messages should conform to Internet mail standards and contain only 7bit characters, but much of the news transport software in use today is capable of successfully sending messages containing 8bit characters. Hence, many people believe that it is appropriate to send 8bit news messages without any MIME encoding.

Moreover, there is no Internet standard for explicitly negotiating 8bit transfer, as there is for Internet email. Therefore, Pine provides the option of posting unencoded 8bit news messages, though not as the default. Setting this feature will turn OFF Pine's MIME encoding of newsgroup postings that contain 8bit characters.

Note, articles may cross a path or pass through news transport software that is unsafe or even hostile to 8bit characters. At best this will only cause the posting to become garbled. The safest way to transmit 8bit characters is to leave Pine's MIME encoding turned on, but recipients who lack MIME-aware tools are often annoyed when they receive MIME-encoded messages.

Setting this feature enables the commands and subcommands that relate to performing operations on more than one message at a time. We call these "aggregate operations". In particular, the ; Select, A Apply, and Z Zoom commands are enabled by this feature. Select is used to tag one or more messages meeting the specified criteria. Apply can then be used to apply any message command to all of the selected/tagged messages. Further, the Zoom command allows you to toggle the "Folder Index" view between just those Selected and all messages in the folder.

This feature also enables the ^X subcommand in the "Folder Index" WhereIs command which causes all messages matching the WhereIs argument to become selected.

You may also use aggregate operations in the address book screens where you are operating on address book entries instead of on messages.

If this feature is set, and the editor variable is not set, entering the ^_ (Control-underscore) key while composing a message will prompt you for the name of the editor you would like to use.

If the environment variable $EDITOR is set, this value will be offered as a default. If the editor variable is set, the ^_ key will activate the specified editor without prompting, in which case it is not necessary to set the enable-alternate-editor-cmd feature. This feature is not available in PC-Pine.

If this feature and the editor variable are both set, Pine will automatically activate the specified editor when the cursor is moved from the header of the message being composed into the message text. For replies, the alternate editor will be activated immediately. If this feature is set but the editor variable is not set, then Pine will automatically ask for the name of an alternate editor when the cursor is moved out of the headers, or if a reply is being done. This feature is not available in PC-Pine.

This feature controls the behavior of the left and right arrow keys. If set, the left and right arrow keys will operate like the usual navigation keys < and >.

If you set this feature, and do not like the changed behavior of the up/down arrow keys when navigating through the FOLDER LIST screen -- first from column to column, if more than one folder is displayed per row, and then from row to row -- you may either also wish to set the feature enable-arrow-navigation-relaxed, single-column-folder-list, or use the ^P/^N (instead of up/down arrow) keys to move up/down the list of folders in each column.

This feature controls the behavior of the left and right arrow keys in the FOLDER LIST screen when the enable-arrow-navigation feature is enabled.

Normally, when the "enable-arrow-navigation" feature is set, the left and right arrow keys in the Folder List screen strictly track the commands bound to the < and > keys, and the up and down arrow keys move the hilite bar to the previous and next folder or directory name.

When enabled, this feature returns the left, right, up and down arrow key's functionality in the FOLDER LIST screen to what it was before enabling "enable-arrow-navigation". In other words, left and right arrows move the hilite bar to the left or right, and the up and down arrows move it up or down.

If set, this feature enables a subcommand in the composer's Send? confirmation prompt. The subcommand allows you to tell Pine to handle the actual posting in the background. While this feature usually allows posting to appear to happen very fast, it has no affect on the actual delivery time it takes a message to arrive at its destination.

This feature isn't supported on all systems. All DOS and Windows, as well as several Unix ports, do not recognize this feature.

Error handling is significantly different when this feature is enabled. Any message posting failure results in the message being appended to your Interrupted mail folder. When you type the Compose command, Pine will notice this folder and offer to extract any messages contained. Upon continuing a failed message, Pine will display the nature of the failure in the status message line.

Under extreme conditions, it is possible for message data to get lost. Do not enable this feature if you typically run close to any sort of disk-space limits or quotas.

Setting this feature enables the B Bounce command, which will prompt for an address and remail the message to the new recipient. This command is used to re-direct messages that you have received in error, or need to be redirected for some other reason (e.g. list moderation). The final recipient will see a header indicating that you have Resent the msg, but the message's From: header will show the original author of the message, and replies to it will go back to that author, and not to you.

This feature affects Pine's behavior when you hit the "Space Bar" at the end of a displayed message. Typically, Pine complains that the end of the text has already been reached. Setting this feature causes such keystrokes to be interpreted as if the Tab key had been hit, thus taking you to the next interesting message, or scanning ahead to the next incoming folder with interesting messages.

This feature modifies the behavior of Pine's enable-cruise-mode feature. Setting this feature causes Pine to implicitly delete read messages when it moves on to display the next interesting message.

NOTE: Beware when enabling this feature and the expunge-without-confirm feature.

If set, this feature enables a subcommand in the composer's "Send?" confirmation prompt. The subcommand allows you to tell Pine to request the type of Delivery Status Notification (DSN) which you would like. Most users will be happy with the default, and need not enable this feature. See the online help for more details.

Note that this is not a method to request READ receipts, which tells the sender when the receiver has read the message. In this case we're talking about notification of delivery to the mailbox, not notification that the message has been seen.

If set, files beginning with dot (".") will be visible in the file browser. For example, you'll be able to select them when using the browser to add an attachment to a message.

If set, folders beginning with dot (".") may be added and viewed.

If set, then on screens where there is an Exit command but no < command, the < key will perform the same function as the Exit command.

If set, the TAB key behavior in Incoming folders or News collections is modified. By default, the TAB will cause each folder in the Incoming folders collection (or in the news collection) to be examined to see how many new messages have been delivered since the last time it was viewed. If this feature is set, the check is for any recent messages instead of the count of recent messages. This is much faster in many cases.

Setting this feature enables the * Flag command, which allows you to manipulate the status flags associated with a message. By default, Flag will set the Important flag, which results in an asterisk being displayed in column one of the "Folder Index" for such messages.

This feature modifies the behavior of the * Flag command (provided it too is enabled). By default, when the * Flag command is selected, Pine offers a prompt to set one of several flags and also offers the option of entering the detailed flag manipulation screen via the ^T key. Enabling this feature causes Pine to immediately enter the detailed flag screen rather than first offer the simple prompt.

This feature enables the H Full Headers command which toggles between the display of all headers in the message and the normal edited view of headers. The Full Header command also controls which headers are included for Export, Pipe, Print, Forward, and Reply functions. (For Reply, the Full Header mode will respect the include-headers-in-reply feature setting.)

Setting this causes Pine to offer the G Goto command in the file browser. This command allows you to explicitly set the displayed directory. Pine's default behavior requires you to visit each related directory when moving between two distant directories.

If set, this feature defines a pseudo-folder collection called INCOMING MESSAGE FOLDERS. Initially, the only folder included in this collection will be your INBOX, which will no longer show up in your default saved-message folder collection.

Setting this feature will allow you to enter a number (followed by RETURN) and jump to that message number, when in the "Folder Index" or "Message Text" screens. In other words, it obviates the need for typing the J for the Jump command.

This feature modifies the method Pine uses to ask your IMAP server for folder names to display in the the FOLDER LIST screen. It is intended to compensate for a small set of IMAP servers that are programmed to ignore a part of the request, and thus respond to Pine's query with nonsensical results.

If you find that Pine is erroneously displaying blank folder lists, try enabling this feature.

NOTE: Enabling this feature has consequences for the Goto and Save commands. Many servers allow access to folders outside the area reserved for your personal folders via some reserved character, typically '#' (sharp), '~' (tilde) or '/' (slash). This mechanism allows, at the Goto and Save prompts, quick access to folders outside your personal folder collection without requiring a specific collection definition. This behavior will generally not be available when this feature is enabled.

If set, this will cause an asterisk to appear in the upper left-hand corner of the screen whenever Pine checks for new mail, and two asterisks whenever Pine saves (checkpoints) the state of the current mailbox to disk.

If set, this will allow mailcap named parameter substitution to occur in mailcap entries. By default, this is turned off to prevent security problems which may occur with some incorrect mailcap configurations. For more information, RFC1524 and look for "named parameters" in the text of the RFC.

This feature controls whether or not an X terminal mouse can be used with Pine. If set, and the $DISPLAY variable indicates that an X terminal is being used, the left mouse button on the mouse can be used to select text or commands.

Note: if this feature is set, the behavior of X terminal cut-and-paste is also modified. It is necessary to hold the shift key down while clicking left or middle mouse buttons for the normal xterm cut/paste operations.

This feature modifies the behavior of Pine's "Message Text" screen. Setting this feature causes Pine to select possible email addresses from the displayed text and display them in boldface for selection.

The first available email address is displayed in inverse. This is the "selected" address. Pressing RETURN will cause Pine to enter the message composition screen with the To field filled in with the selected address.

Use the up and down arrow keys to change which of the addresses displayed in boldface is the current selection.

This feature modifies the behavior of Pine's "Message Text" screen. Setting this feature causes Pine to present attachments in boldface. The first available attachment is displayed in inverse. This is the "selected" attachment. Pressing RETURN will cause Pine to display the selected attachment. Use the up and down arrow keys to change which of the attachments displayed in boldface is the current selection.

Speaking of arrow keys, the Up and Down Arrows will select the next and previous attachments if one is available on the screen for selection. Otherwise, they will simply adjust the viewed text one line up or down.

Similarly, when selectable items are present in a message, the Ctrl-F key can be used to select the next item in the message independent of which portion of the viewed message is currently displayed. The Ctrl-B key can be used to select the previous item in the same way.

This feature modifies Up and Down arrow key behavior in Pine's "Message Text" screen when selectable Attachments, URL's, or web-hostnames are presented. Pine's usual behavior is to move to the next or previous selectable item if currently displayed or simply to adjust the screen view by one line if the next selectable line is off the screen.

Setting this feature causes the Up and Down arrow keys to behave as if no selectable items were present in the message.

Note, the Ctrl-F (next selectable item) and Ctrl-B (previous selectable item) functionality is unchanged.

This feature modifies the behavior of Pine's "Message Text" screen. Setting this feature causes Pine to select possible URL's from the displayed text and display them in boldface for selection.

The first available URL is displayed in inverse. This is the "selected" URL. Pressing RETURN will cause Pine to display the selected URL via either built-in means as with mailto:, imap:, news:, and nntp:, or via an external application as defined by the url-viewers variable.

Use the up and down arrow keys to change which of the URLs displayed in boldface is the current selection.

This feature modifies the behavior of Pine's "Message Text" screen. Setting this feature causes Pine to select possible web hostnames from the displayed text and display them in boldface for selection.

The first available hostname is displayed in inverse. This is the "selected" hostname. Pressing RETURN will cause Pine to display the selected hostname via an external application as defined by the url-viewers variable.

Use the up and down arrow keys to change which of the hostnames displayed in boldface is the current selection.

This feature controls whether or not Pine will attempt to announce new mail arrival when it is running in an X terminal window and that window is iconified. If set, and the $DISPLAY variable indicates that an X terminal is being used, Pine will send appropriate escape sequences to the X terminal to modify the label on Pine's icon to indicate that new mail has arrived.

This feature affects the subcommands available when Saving or Opening a new folder. If set, the subcommand ^X ListMatches will be available. This command allows you to type in a substring of the folder you are looking for and when you type ^X it will display all folders which contain that substring in their names.

By default, Pine's print command is available by pressing the % key. In recent versions prior to 4.00, the print command was accessed by pressing the Y key.

Enabling this feature will cause Pine to recognize both the old command, Y, and the new % method for invoking printing. Note, key menu labels are not changed as a result of enabling this feature.

This feature affects the Reply command's "Include original message in Reply?" prompt. When enabled, it causes the "Edit Indent String" sub-command to appear which allows you to edit the string Pine would otherwise use to denote included text from the message being replied to.

Thus, you can change Pine's default message quote character (usually an angle bracket) on a per message basis. So you could change your quoted message to look, for example, like this:

On Tues, 26 Jan 1999, John Q. Smith wrote:
John: I just wanted to say hello and to congratulate you
John: on a job well done!

The configuration option "reply-indent-string" may be used to change what appears as the default string to be edited.

NOTE: Edited reply-indent-strings only apply to the message currently being replied to.

Normally, the Take command takes addresses from a message and helps you put them into your Address Book. If you use Rules for Indexcolors, Roles, Filtering, or Scoring; you may find it useful to be able to Take information from a message's headers and put it into a new Rule. When this feature is set, you will be given an extra prompt which gives you the choice to Take into the Address Book or Take into a rule.

If set Pine's composer offers the R Replace command option inside the W WhereIs command.

If set and a signature-file exists, the line consisting of the three characters "-- " (dash dash space) is included before the signature. This only happens if the signature doesn't already contain such a line.

In addition, when you Reply or Followup to a message containing one of these special lines and choose to include its text, Pine will observe the convention of not including text beyond the special line in your reply.

Setting this feature will allow you to type ^Z and temporarily suspend Pine. Not available on PC-Pine.

This feature enables the TAB key when at a prompt for a filename. In this case, TAB will cause the partial name already entered to be automatically completed, provided the partial name is unambiguous.

Normally, the Take command takes addresses from a message and helps you put them into your Address Book. When this feature is set, you will be given an extra prompt which gives you the choice to Take addresses into a file instead of your Address Book. Only the user@domain_name part of the address is put in the file.

PC-Pine only.

This feature enables the | Pipe command that sends the current message to the specified Unix command for external processing. Not available on PC-Pine.

This feature controls an aspect of Pine's message sending. When enabled, Pine will send a VERB (i.e., VERBose) command early in the posting process intended to cause the server SMTP to provide a more detailed account of the transaction. This feature is typically only useful to system administrators and other support personel as an aid in troublshooting problems. Note, this feature relies on a specific capability of the system's mail transport agent or configured smtp-server.

If multiple address books (either personal or global) are defined, and you wish to have them all expanded implicitly upon entering the ADDRESS BOOK screen, then set this feature. This feature will have no effect unless the feature combined-addrbook-display is also set.

If this feature is set, then distribution lists in the address book screen will always be expanded automatically.

If multiple folder collections are defined, and you wish to have them all expanded implicitly upon entering the FOLDER LIST screen, then set this feature. This feature will have no effect unless the feature combined-folder-display is also set.

The purpose of this feature is to allow you to change configuration features and variables which are normally hidden. This is particularly useful if you are using a remote configuration file, where it is difficult to edit the file manually, but it may also be used on a local pinerc configuration file.

If set, most configuration variables and features which are normally hidden from view will show up in the Setup/Configuration screen. They will be at the bottom of the configuration screen. You can find them by searching for the word "hidden".

Note that this is an advanced feature which should be used with care. The reason that this part of the configuration is normally hidden is because there is a significant potential for causing problems if you change these variables. If something breaks after a change try changing it back to see if that is what is causing the problem. There are also some variables which are normally hidden because they are manipulated through Pine in other ways. For example, the "address-book" variable is normally set using the Setup/AddressBooks screen, so there is little reason to edit it directly. The "incoming-folders" variable is normally changed by using the Add, Delete, and Rename commands in the FOLDER LIST screen, and the "last-time-prune-questioned" variable is normally used internally by Pine and not set directly by the user.

Normally, when you close a folder which contains deleted messages you are asked if you want to expunge those messages from the folder permanently. If this feature is set, you won't be asked and the deleted messages will remain in the folder. If you choose to set this feature you will have to expunge the messages manually using the eXpunge command, which you can use while in the MESSAGE INDEX screen. If you do not expunge deleted messages the size of your folder will continue to increase until you are out of disk space.

If set, you will not be prompted to confirm your intent before the expunge takes place. Actually, you will still be prompted for confirmation if the folder is not the INBOX folder or another folder in the Incoming Folders collection. See the expunge-without-confirm-everywhere feature which follows.

The regular expunge-without-confirm feature actually only works for the INBOX folder and for other folders in the "Incoming Folders" collection. If this feature is set then you also won't be prompted to confirm expunges for all other folders.

If set, normal Fcc (File Carbon Copy) processing will be done for bounced messages, just as if you had composed a message to the address you are bouncing to. If not set, no Fcc of the message will be saved.

This features controls an aspect of Pine's composer. The only time this feature will be used is if you attempt to send mail which has no recipients but does have an Fcc. Normally, Pine will ask if you really mean to copy the message only to the Fcc. That is, it asks if you really meant to have no recipients. If this feature is set, you will not be prompted to confirm your intent to make only a copy of a message with no recipients.

This features controls the way FCC's (File Carbon Copies) are made of the messages you send.

Normally, Pine saves an exact copy of your message as it was sent. When this feature is enabled, the "body" of the message you send (the text you type in the composer) is preserved in the copy as before, however all attachments are replaced with text explaining what had been sent rather than the attachments themselves.

This feature also affects Pine's "Send ?" confirmation prompt in that a new "^F Fcc Attchmnts" option becomes available which allows you to interactively set whether or not attachments are saved to the Fcc'd copy.

If set, any MIME attachments that were part of the original message will automatically be included in a Reply.

If set, and a message being replied to is included in the Reply, then headers from that message will also be part of the reply.

Normally, Pine will ask whether you wish to include the original message in your Reply. If this feature is set and the feature enable-reply-indent-string-editing is not set, then the original message will be included in the reply automatically, without prompting.

This is only available if Pine was linked with an LDAP library when it was compiled. If both the per-directory-server option use-implicitly-from-composer and this feature are set, then when an implicit directory lookup is done from the composer you will automatically be prompted to add the result of the directory lookup to your address book.

This feature affects Pine's MESSAGE INDEX display. By default, a '+' is displayed in the first column if the message is addressed directly to you. When this feature is set and the message is not addressed to you, then a '-' character is displayed if the message is instead Cc'd directly to you.

This feature causes certain messages to be marked as New in the "Folder Index" of newsgroups.

When opening a newsgroup, Pine will consult your newsrc file and determine the last message you have previously disposed of via the D key. If this feature is set, any subsequent messages will be shown in the Index with an N, and the first of these messages will be highlighted. Although this is only an approximation of true New or Unseen status, it provides a useful cue to distinguish more-or-less recent messages from those you have seen previously, but are not yet ready to mark deleted.

Background: your newsrc file (used to store message status information for newsgroups) is only capable of storing a single flag, and Pine uses this to record whether or not you are "done with" a message, as indicated by marking the message as Deleted. Unfortunately, this means that Pine has no way to record exactly which messages you have previously seen, so it normally does not show the N status flag for any messages in a newsgroup. This feature enables a starting approximation of seen/unseen status that may be useful.

This feature controls what Pine does when you delete a message in a newsgroup that appears in more than one newsgroup. Such a message is sometimes termed a "crossposting" in that it was posted across several newsgroups.

Pine's default behavior when you delete such a message is to remove only the copy in the current newsgroup from view when you use the "Exclude" command or the next time you visit the newsgroup.

Enabling this feature causes Pine to remove every occurrence of the message from all newsgroups it appears in and to which you are subscribed.

NOTE: As currently implemented, enabling this feature may increase the time it takes the Expunge command and newsgroup closing to complete.

This feature controls what Pine does as it closes a newsgroup. When set, Pine will offer to delete all messages from the newsgroup as you are quitting Pine or opening a new folder.

This feature is useful if you typically read all the interesting messages in a newsgroup each time you open it. This feature saves you from having to delete each message in a newsgroup as you read it or from selecting all the messages and doing an aggregate delete before you move on to the next folder or newsgroup.

This feature controls whether the NNTP server is queried as newsgroups are entered for posting. Validation over slow links (e.g. dialup using SLIP or PPP) can cause delays. Set this feature to eliminate such delays.

This feature controls the order that newsgroups will be presented. If set, they will be presented in the same order as they occur in your newsrc file. If not set, the newsgroups will be presented in alphabetical order.

If set, all characters in a message will be sent to the screen. Normally, control characters are automatically suppressed in order to avoid inadvertently changing terminal setup parameters.

A message being viewed may contain alternate versions of the same content. Those alternate versions are ordered by the sending software such that the first alternative is the least preferred and the last alternative is the most preferred. Pine will normally display the most-preferred version that it knows how to display. This is most often encountered where the two alternate versions are a plain text version and an HTML version, with the HTML version listed last as the most preferred.

If this option is set, then any plain text version will be preferred to all other versions.

This feature controls how special control key characters, typically ^S and ^Q, are interpreted when input to Pine. These characters are known as the "start" and "stop" characters and are sometimes used in communications paths to control data flow between devices that operate at different speeds.

By default, Pine turns the system's handling of these special characters off except during printing. However, if you see Pine reporting input errors such as:

[ Command "^Q" not defined for this screen. ]
and, at the same time, see your display become garbled, then it is likely that setting this option will solve the problem. Be aware, though, that enabling this feature will also cause Pine to ostensibly "hang" whenever the Ctrl-S key combination is entered as the system is now interpreting such input as a "stop output" command. To "start output" again, simply type Ctrl-Q.

Setting this feature causes a formfeed to be printed between messages when printing multiple messages with the Apply Print command.

If this feature is set, then the Unix mail style From line is included at the start of each message that is printed. This line looks something like the following, with the address replaced by the address from the From line of the message being printed:
From Mon May 13 14:11:06 1996

This feature controls the behavior of the Print command when in the "Folder Index" screen. If set, the Print command will give you a prompt asking if you wish to print the message index, or the currently highlighted message. If not set, the message will be printed.

When this feature is set, the Print command will have an additional subcommand called C CustomPrint. If selected, you will have the opportunity to enter any system print command, instead of being restricted to using those that have been previously configured in the Setup/Printer screen.

POSIX mandates a timezone in UNIX mailbox format folder delimiters (the line which begins with From ). Some versions of Berkeley mail have trouble with this, and don't recognize the line as a message delimiter. If this feature is set, the timezone will be left off the delimiter line.

This feature changes the behavior of Pine when sending messages. It is intended to work around a bug in Microsoft's Outlook XP mail user agent. As of this writing, Microsoft has acknowledged the bug but has not added it to the Knowledge Base. We have been told that there will be a post-SP1 hotfix for Outlook XP. This particular bug has bug fix number OfficeQFE:4781. The nature of the bug is that messages with attachments which contain a Content-ID header (which standard Pine attachments do) do not show the attachment indicator (a paperclip) when viewed with Outlook XP. So the user has no indication that the message contains an attachment.

If this feature is set then Pine will remove most Content-ID headers before sending a message. If an attachment is of type MESSAGE, then the existing Content-ID headers inside the message will be left intact. This would only happen with Pine if a message was forwarded as an attachment or if a message with a message attached was forwarded. Similarly if an attachment of type MULTIPART/ALTERNATIVE is forwarded, the Content-ID headers of the alternative parts will not be removed.

Because the Content-ID header is a standard part of MIME it is possible that setting this feature will break something. For example, if an attachment has a Content-ID header which is necessary for the correct functioning of that attachment, it is possible that Pine may remove that header when the attachment is forwarded. However, it seems fairly safe at this time.

This feature affects Pine's behavior when you cancel a message being composed. Pine's usual behavior is to write the canceled message to a file named dead.letter in your home directory (under UNIX; DEADLETR under WINDOWS/DOS) overwriting any previous message. Under some conditions (some routine), this can introduce a noticeable delay.

Setting this feature will cause Pine NOT to write canceled compositions into the file called dead.letter.

This feature causes Pine to remove from the display any directories that do not contain at least one file or directory. This can be useful to prevent overly cluttered folder lists when a collection is stored on a server that treats all names as both a folder and a directory.

Note, enabling this feature can cause surprising behavior! For example, you can still use Add to create a directory, but unless you immediately enter that directory and create a folder, that newly created directory may not be displayed next time you enter the folder list.

This feature causes Pine to skip the extra question about posting a message which may go to thousands of readers when you are about to post to a newsgroup.

This feature determines whether or not Pine will create "pseudo messages" in folders that are in standard Unix or MMDF format.

Pine will normally create these pseudo messages when they are not already present in a standard Unix or MMDF folder. Their purpose is to record certain mailbox state data needed for correct IMAP and POP server operation, and also for Pine to be able to mark messages as Answered when the Reply has been postponed.

Sites which do not use IMAP/POP for remote mail access, and which need to support mail tools that are adversely affected by the presence of the pseudo-messages (e.g. some mail notification tools) may enable this feature to tell Pine not to create them. Note that Pine's "Answered" flag capability will be adversely affected if this is done.

Note too that, even if this feature is enabled, Pine will not remove pseudo-messages when it encounters them (e.g. those created by UW's imapd or ipopd servers.) This feature has no effect on folders that are not in standard Unix or MMDF format, as pseudo-messages are not needed in the other formats to record mailbox state information.

In the MESSAGE INDEX screen, if the open folder is being accessed using IMAP, Pine normally tries to paint the index lines on the screen as soon as the information arrives from the IMAP server. This means that the index information makes it onto the screen more quickly than it otherwise would. This sometimes results in behavior that bothers some users. For example, when paging to a new page of the index, it may be possible for the lines to be painted on the screen in a random order, rather than from top to bottom.

Setting this feature causes Pine to wait for all of the information to be gathered before it paints the index screen. Once it collects all of the information, the screen will be painted quickly from top to bottom.

This feature affects Pine's behavior when it encounters a problem acquiring a mail folder lock. Typically, a secondary file associated with the mail folder being opened is created as part of the locking process. On some systems, such file creation has been administratively precluded by the system configuration.

Pine issues a warning when such failures occur, which can become bothersome if the system is configured to disallow such actions. Setting this feature causes Pine to remain silent when this part of lock creation fails.

WARNING: systems that have been configured in a way that precludes locking introduce some risk of mail folder corruption when more than one program attempts to modify the mail folder. This is most likely to occur to one's INBOX or other "Incoming Message Folder".

In the MESSAGE INDEX screen, if the open folder is being accessed using NNTP (News), Pine normally tries to paint the index lines on the screen as soon as the information arrives from the NNTP server. This means that the index information makes it onto the screen more quickly than it otherwise would. This sometimes results in behavior that bothers some users. For example, when paging to a new page of the index, it may be possible for the lines to be painted on the screen in a random order, rather than from top to bottom.

Setting this feature causes Pine to wait for all of the information to be gathered before it paints the index screen. Once it collects all of the information, the screen will be painted quickly from top to bottom.

Partial fetching is a feature of the IMAP protocol. By default, Pine will use partial fetching when copying the contents of a message or attachment from the IMAP server to Pine. This means that the fetch will be done in many small chunks instead of one big chunk. The main benefit of this approach is that the fetch becomes interruptible. That is, the user can type ^C to stop the fetch early. In some cases partial fetching may cause a performance problem so that the fetching of data takes significantly longer when partial fetching is used. Turning on this feature will turn off partial fetching.

This feature (PC-Pine only) changes the behavior of fetching messages and attachments so that the message data is fetched in chunks no larger than 12K bytes. This works around a bug in Microsoft's SSL/TLS support. Some versions of Microsoft SSL are not able to read full-sized (16K) SSL/TLS packets. Some servers will send such packets and this will cause PC-Pine to crash with the error

incomplete SecBuffer exceeds maximum buffer size

Microsoft is aware of the problem and has developed a hotfix for it, but as of this writing the hotfix has not yet been added to the Knowledge Base.

If set status messages will never emit a beep.

This feature controls an aspect of Pine's Composer, and if needed, will usually be set by the system manager in Pine's system-wide configuration file. Specifically, if this feature is set, Pine will not attempt to look in the system password file to find a Full Name for the entered address.

Normally, names you enter into address fields (e.g. To: or Cc:) are checked against your address book(s) to see if they match an address book nickname. Failing that, (in Unix Pine) the name is then checked against the Unix password file. If the entered name matches a username in the system password file, Pine extracts the corresponding Full Name information for that individual, and adds that to the address being entered.

However, password file matching can have surprising (incorrect) results if other users of the system do not receive mail at the domain you are using. That is, if either the user-domain or use-only-domain-name option is set such that the administrative domain of other users on the system isn't accurately reflected, Pine should be told that a password file match is coincidental, and Full Name info will be incorrect. For example, a personal name from the password file could get falsely paired with the entered name as it is turned into an address in the configured domain.

If you are seeing this behavior, enabling this feature will prevent Unix Pine from looking up names in the password file to find the Full Name for incomplete addresses you enter.

This feature controls whether or not Pine will ask for confirmation when a Quit command is received.

If set, Pine will not prompt when a message being replied to contains a Reply-To: header value, but will simply use its value (as opposed to using the From: field's value).

Versions of Pine prior to 4.20 would write Berkeley format message delimiters with a trailing timezone offset. On rare occurances this can cause an incompatibility with other mail access utilities. Enabling this hidden feature will cause Pine to refrain from writing this timezone to the "From " delimiter.

This feature will optimize an aggregate copy operation, if possible, by issuing a single IMAP COPY command with a list of the messages to be copied. This may save network traffic when the source and destination folders are on the same IMAP server. However, many IMAP servers (including the UW IMAP server) do not preserve the order of messages when this optimization is applied. If this feature is not enabled, or if the folders are on different IMAP servers, or the folders are local and in different formats, Pine will copy each message individually.

If set, Save will (in addition to copying the current message to the designated folder) also advance to the next message.

If set, Save will not mark the message Deleted (its default behavior) after it has been copied to the designated folder.

This feature controls an aspect of the Save command (and also the way outgoing messages are saved to an FCC folder). If set, Pine will add a leading > character in front of message lines beginning with "From" when they are saved to another folder, including lines syntactically distinguishable from the type of message separator line commonly used on Unix systems.

The default behavior is that a > will be prepended only to lines beginning with "From " that might otherwise be confused with a message separator line on Unix systems. If Pine is the only mail program you use, this default is reasonable. If another program you use has trouble displaying a message with an unquoted From saved by Pine, you should enable this feature. This feature only applies to the common Unix mailbox format that uses message separator lines beginning with "From ". If Pine has been configured to use a different mailbox format (possibly incompatible with other mail programs), then this issue does not arise, and the feature is irrelevant.

This feature controls an aspect of Pine's Save, Export, and Goto commands. These commands all take text input to specify the name of the folder or file to be used, but allow you to press ^T for a list of possible names. If set, the selected name will be used immediately, without further opportunity to confirm or edit the name.

This feature affects folder collections wherein a folder and directory can have the same name. By default, Pine displays them only once, denoting that it is both a folder and directory by appending the folder name with the hierarchy character enclosed in square brackets.

Enabling this feature will cause Pine to display such names separately marking the name representing a directory with a trailing hierarchy delimiter (typically the slash, "/", character).

The feature also alters the command set slightly. By default, the right-arrow descends into the directory, while hitting the Return key will cause the folder by that name to be opened.

With this feature set, the Return key will open the hilited folder, or enter the hilited directory.

If set, the system cursor will move to convenient locations in the displays. For example, to the beginning of the status field of the highlighted index line, or to the highlighted word after a successful WhereIs command. It is intended to draw your attention to the interesting spot on the screen.

This feature modifies the method Pine uses to display Text/Plain MIME attachments from the Attachment Index screen. Normally, the "View" command searches for any externally defined (usually via the Mailcap file) viewer, and displays the selected text within that viewer.

Enabling this feature causes Pine to ignore any external viewer settings and always display text with Pine's internal viewer.

This feature controls an aspect of Pine's aggregate operation commands; in particular, the Select and WhereIs commands. Select and WhereIs (with the ^X subcommand) will search the current folder for messages meeting a specified criteria, and tag the resulting messages with an X in the first column of the applicable lines in the "Folder Index". If this feature is set, instead of using the X to denote a selected message, Pine will attempt to display those index lines in boldface. Whether this is preferable to the X will depend on personal taste and the type of terminal being used.

If this feature is set, and a message being Replied to is being included in the reply, then the contents of the signature file (if any) will be inserted after the included message. This feature does not affect the results of a Forward command.

If set, the "Folder List" screen will list one folder per line instead of several per line.

This feature doesn't do anything if the feature enable-sigdashes is turned on. However, if the enable-sigdashes feature is not turned on, then turning on this feature enables support for the convention of not including text beyond the sigdashes line when Replying or Following up to a message and including the text of that message.

In other words, this is a way to turn on the signature stripping behavior without also turning on the dashes-adding behavior.

This feature affects Pine's behavior when using the TAB key to move from one message to the next. Pine's usual behavior is to select the next Unread message or message flagged as Important.

Setting this feature causes Pine to skip the messages flagged as Important, and select Unread messages exclusively. Tab behavior when there are no new messages left to select remains unchanged.

In some versions of Pine before 4.00 there was a compile-time macro called TERMCAP_WINS which could be set to cause the termcap or terminfo definitions to be used instead of the built in definitions. Beginning with 4.00 this hidden runtime feature can be turned on to accomplish the same thing.

This feature affects how Pine connects to IMAP servers. It's utility has largely been overtaken by events, but it may still be useful in some circumstances. If you only connect to modern IMAP servers that support "TLS" you can ignore this feature.


By default, Pine will attempt to connect to an IMAP server on the normal IMAP service port (143), and if the server offers "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) and Pine has been compiled with encryption capability, then a secure (encrypted) session will be negotiated.

With this feature enabled, before connecting on the normal IMAP port, Pine will first attempt to connect to an alternate IMAP service port (993) used specifically for encrypted IMAP sessions via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) method. If the SSL attempt fails, Pine will then try the default behavior described in the previous paragraph.

TLS negotiation on the normal port is preferred, and supersedes the use of SSL on port 993, but older servers may not provide TLS support. This feature may be convenient when accessing IMAP servers that do not support TLS, but do support SSL connections on port 993. However, it is important to understand that with this feature enabled, Pine will attempt to make a secure connection if that is possible, but it will proceed to make an insecure connection if that is the only option offered by the server, or if the Pine in question has been built without encryption capability.

Note that this feature specifies a per-user (or system-wide) default behavior, but host/folder specification flags may be used to control the behavior of any specific connection. This feature interacts with some of the possible host/folder path specification flags as follows:

The /tls host flag, for example,


will over-ride this feature for the specified host by bypassing the SSL connection attempt. Moreover, with /tls specified, the connection attempt will fail if the service on port 143 does not offer TLS support.

The /ssl host flag, for example,


will insist on an SSL connection for the specified host, and will fail if the SSL service on port 993 is not available. Pine will not subsequently retry a connection on port 143 if /ssl is specified.

This feature controls an aspect of several commands. If set, your "current working directory" will be used instead of your home directory for all of the following operations:

This feature specifies that Pine will respond to function keys instead of the normal single-letter commands. In this mode, the key menus at the bottom of each screen will show function key designations instead of the normal mnemonic key.

Normally Pine on Unix adds a header line labeled X-X-Sender, if the sender is different from the From: line.

The standard specifies that this header line should be labeled Sender, not X-X-Sender. Setting this feature causes Sender to be used instead of X-X-Sender. The standard also states that the data associated with this header field should not be used as a Reply address. Unfortunately, certain implementations of mail list management servers will use the Sender address for such purposes. These implementations often even recognize the X-Sender fields as being equivalent to the Sender field, and use it if present. This is why Pine defaults to X-X-Sender.

Note, PC-Pine always adds either an X-X-Sender line if there is an open, remote mailbox, or an X-Warning: UNAuthenticated User otherwise

This feature affects Pine's behavior when process suspension is enabled and then activated via the ^Z key. Pine suspension allows one to temporarily interact with the operating system command "shell" without quitting Pine, and then subsequently resume the still-active Pine session.

When the enable-suspend feature is set and subsequently the ^Z key is pressed, Pine will normally suspend itself and return temporary control to Pine's parent shell process. However, if this feature is set, Pine will instead create an inferior subshell process. This is useful when the parent process is not intended to be used interactively. Examples include invoking Pine via the -e argument of the Unix xterm program, or via a menu system.

Note that one typically resumes a suspended Pine by entering the Unix fg command, but if this feature is set, it will be necessary to enter the exit command instead.

This feature controls an aspect of Pine's FOLDER LIST screen. If set, the folders will be listed alphabetically down the columns rather than across the columns as is the default.

Hidden Config Variables and Features

There are several configuration variables and features which are normally hidden from the user. That is, they don't appear on any of the configuration screens. Some of these are suppressed because they are intended to be used by system administrators, and in fact may only be set in system-wide configuration files. Others are available to users but are thought to be of such little value to most users that their presence on the Config screens would cause more confusion than help. Those features may only be set by hand editing the configuration file. You may set the feature expose-hidden-config to cause most of these hidden variables and features to show up in the Setup/Config screen.

Hidden Variables Not Settable by Users

These variables are settable only in system-wide configuration files.

Hidden Variables Which are Settable by Users

These variables are not shown to users but are settable by means of hand editing the personal configuration file. This first group is usually maintained by Pine and there will usually be no reason to edit them by hand.

This group is usually correct but may be changed by system managers or users in special cases.

System managers are usually interested in setting these in the system-wide configuration files, though users may set them if they wish.

Hidden Features Which are Settable by Users

These are features (as opposed to variables) which users or system administrators may set. Some of them only make sense for administrators. To turn these on manually, the configuration file should be edited and the feature added to the feature-list variable. You may set the feature expose-hidden-config to cause these hidden features to show up in the Setup/Config screen. They will be at the bottom of the screen.

Retired Variables and Features

Variables and features that are no longer used by the current Pine version. When an obsolete variable is encountered, its value is applied to any new corresponding setting. The replaced values include:

Replaced by saved-msg-name-rule
This one was retired in 4.00 but made a comeback in 4.10. This is now an active feature.
This one was retired in 4.00 but made a comeback in 4.10. This is now an active feature.
Replaced by feature-list.
Replaced by include-header-in-reply in the feature-list.
Replaced by signature-at-bottom in the feature-list.
No replacement.
Replaced by four separate patterns variables: patterns-roles, patterns-filters, patterns-scores, and patterns-indexcolors.
Replaced by saved-msg-name-rule.
No replacement, it always works this way now.

Tokens for Index and Replying

This set of special tokens may be used in the index-format option, in the reply-leadin option, in signature files, and in template files used in roles.

The tokens are used as they appear below for the Index-Format option, but they must be surrounded by underscores for the Reply-Leadin option, and in signature and template files.

Tokens Available for all Cases

This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format MMM DD. For example, "Oct 23".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It is "Today" if the message was sent today, "Yesterday" for yesterday, "Wednesday" if it was last Wednesday, and so on. If the message is from more than six months ago it includes the year, as well. There is no adjustment made for different time zones, so you'll get the day the message was sent according to the time zone the sender was in.
This token represents the most relevant elements of the date on which the message was sent (according to the "Date" header field), in a compact form. If the message was sent today, only the time is used (e.g. "9:22am", "10:07pm"); if it was sent during the past week, the day of the week and the hour are used (e.g. "Wed09am", "Thu10pm"); other dates are given as date, month, and year (e.g. "23Aug00", "9Apr98"). There is no adjustment made for different time zones, so you'll get the day/time the message was sent according to the time zone the sender was in.
This is a combination of SMARTDATE and SMARTTIME. It is SMARTDATE unless the SMARTDATE value is "Today", in which case it is SMARTTIME.
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format MMM DD, YYYY. For example, "Oct 23, 1998".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example, "1998-10-23".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format YY-MM-DD. For example, "98-10-23".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format MM/DD/YY. For example, "10/23/98".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format DD/MM/YY. For example, "23/10/98".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format DD.MM.YY. For example, "23.10.98".
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It has the format YY.MM.DD. For example, "98.10.23".
This token represents the time at which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. There is no adjustment made for different time zones, so you'll get the time the message was sent according to the time zone the sender was in. It has the format HH:MM. For example, "17:28".
This token represents the time at which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. This time is for a 12 hour clock. It has the format HH:MMpm. For example, "5:28pm" or "11:13am".
This token represents the numeric timezone from the "Date" header field. It has the format [+-]HHMM. For example, "-0800".
This token represents the Subject the sender gave the message.
This token represents the personal name (or email address if the name is unavailable) of the person specified in the message's "From:" header field.
This token represents the personal name (or email address) of the person listed in the message's "Sender:" header field.
This token represents the personal names (or email addresses if the names are unavailable) of the persons specified in the message's "To:" header field.
This token represents the newsgroups from the message's "Newsgroups:" header field and the personal names (or email addresses if the names are unavailable) of the persons specified in the message's "To:" header field.
Same as "NEWSANDTO" except in the opposite order.
This token represents the newsgroups from the message's "Newsgroups:" header field.
This token represents the personal names (or email addresses if the names are unavailable) of the persons specified in the message's "Cc:" header field.
This token represents the personal names (or email addresses if the names are unavailable) of the persons specified in both the message's "To:" header field and the message's "Cc:" header field.
This token represents the newsgroups from the message's "Newsgroups:" header field and the personal names (or email addresses if the names are unavailable) of the persons specified in the message's "To:" and "Cc:" header fields.
Same as "NEWSANDRECIPS" except in the opposite order.
This token represents the month the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "Oct".

Tokens Available Only for Index-Format

This token represents the message's current position in the folder which, of course, may change as the folder is sorted or new mail arrives.
This token represents a three character wide field displaying various aspects of the message's state. The first character is either blank, a '*' for message marked Important, or a '+' indicating a message addressed directly to you (as opposed to your having received it via a mailing list, for example). When the feature mark-for-cc is set, if the first character would have been blank then it will instead be a '-' if the message is cc'd to you. The second character is typically blank, though the arrow cursor may occupy it if the assume-slow-link feature is set, or you actually are on a slow link. The third character is either the letter 'D' if the message is deleted, 'A' if it is answered (but not deleted), or 'N' if it is new (but not deleted or answered), or blank if it is neither deleted, answered nor new.
This token represents a less abbreviated alternative to the "STATUS" field. It is six characters wide. The first character is '+', '-', or blank, the second blank, the third either '*' or blank, the fourth 'N' or blank, the fifth 'A' or blank, and the sixth character is either 'D' or blank.
This token represents an even less abbreviated alternative to the "FULLSTATUS" field. It differs in only the fourth character which is either an 'N' if the message is new to this folder since the last time it was opened and it has not been viewed, an 'R' if the message is new to the folder and has been viewed (Recent), a 'U' if the message is not new to the folder since it was last opened but has not been viewed (Unseen), or a blank if the message has been in the folder since it was last opened and has been viewed.
This token represents the total size, in bytes, of the message. If a "K" (Kilobyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000 times that many bytes (rounded to the nearest 1,000). If an "M" (Megabyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000,000 times that many bytes. Commas are not used in this field. This field is seven characters wide, including the enclosing parentheses. Sizes are rounded when "K" or "M" is present. The progression of sizes used looks like:

0 1 ... 9999 10K ... 999K 1.0M ... 99.9M 100M ... 2000M

This token represents the total size, in bytes, of the message. If a "K" (Kilobyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000 times that many bytes (rounded to the nearest 1,000). If an "M" (Megabyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000,000 times that many bytes. Commas are used if the number shown is 1,000 or greater. The SIZECOMMA field is one character wider than the SIZE field. Sizes are rounded when "K" or "M" is present. The progression of sizes used looks like:

0 1 ... 99,999 100K ... 9,999K 10.0M ... 999.9M 1,000M ... 2,000M

This token represents the total size of the message, expressed in kilobytes or megabytes, as most appropriate. These are 1,024 byte kilobytes and 1,024 x 1,024 byte megabytes. The progression of sizes used looks like:

0K 1K ... 1023K 1.0M ... 99.9M 100M ... 2047M

This token represents the total size, in bytes, of the message. If a "K" (Kilobyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000 times that many bytes. If an "M" (Megabyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000,000 times that many bytes. If a "G" (Gigabyte) follows the number, the size is approximately 1,000,000,000 times that many bytes. This field uses only five characters of screen width, including the enclosing parentheses. The progression of sizes used looks like:

0 1 ... 999 1K ... 99K .1M ... .9M 1M ... 99M .1G ... .9G 1G 2G

This token is intended to represent a more useful description of the message than just its size, but it isn't very useful at this point. The plus sign in this view means there are attachments. Note that including this token in the "Index-Format" could slow down the display a little while Pine collects the necessary information.
This is a one column wide field which represents the number of attachments a message has. It will be blank if there are no attachments, a single digit for one to nine attachments, or an asterisk for more than nine. Note that including this token in the "Index-Format" could slow down the display a little while Pine collects the necessary information.
This token represents either the personal name (or email address) of the person listed in the message's "From:" header field, or, if that address is yours or one of your alternate addresses, the first person specified in the message's "To:" header field with the prefix "To: " prepended. If the from address is yours and there is also no "To" address, Pine will use the address on the "Cc" line. If there is no address there, either, Pine will look for a newsgroup name from the "Newsgroups" header field and put that after the "To: " prefix.
This is almost the same as FROMORTO. The difference is that newsgroups aren't considered. When a message is from you, doesn't have a To or Cc, and does have a Newsgroups header; this token will be your name instead of the name of the newsgroup (like it would be with FROMORTO).
This gives the score of each message. This will be six columns wide to accomodate the widest possible score. You will probably want to use the index-format fixed-field width feature to limit the width of the field to the widest score that you use (e.g. SCORE(3) if your scores are always between 0 and 999). If you have not defined any score rules the scores will all be zero. If any of your score rules contain AllText patterns (a pattern that is searched for in the entire message) then including SCORE in the index-format may slow down the display of the MESSAGE INDEX screen.

Tokens Available for all but Index-Format

This is similar to the "FROM" token, only it is always the email address, never the personal name. For example, "mailbox@domain".
This is the same as the "ADDRESS" except that the domain part of the address is left off. For example, "mailbox".
This token represents the initials from the personal name of the person specified in the message's "From:" header field. If there is no personal name, it is blank.
This token represents the date on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. It looks like "Sat, 23 Oct 1998" unless the day of the week is not available, in which case it looks like "23 Oct 1998".
This token represents the day of the month on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "23" or "9".
This token represents the day of the month on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "23" or "09". It is always 2 digits.
This token represents the ordinal number which is the day of the month on which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "23rd" or "9th".
This token represents the month in which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "October".
This token represents the month in which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "10" or "9".
This token represents the month in which the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "10" or "09". It is always 2 digits.
This token represents the year the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "1998" or "2001".
This token represents the year the message was sent, according to the "Date" header field. For example, "98" or "01". It is always 2 digits.
This token represents the message ID of the message.
This token represents the current date. It has the format MMM DD. For example, "Oct 23".
This token represents the current date. It has the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example, "1998-10-23".
This token represents the current date. It has the format YY-MM-DD. For example, "98-10-23".
This token represents the current time. It has the format HH:MM. For example, "17:28".
This token represents the current time. This time is for a 12 hour clock. It has the format HH:MMpm. For example, "5:28pm" or "11:13am".

Token Available Only for Templates and Signatures

This token is different from the others. When it is replaced it is replaced with nothing, but it sets a Pine internal variable which tells the composer to start with the cursor positioned at the position where this token was. If both the template file and the signature file contain a "CURSORPOS" token, then the position in the template file is used. If there is a template file and neither it nor the signature file contains a "CURSORPOS" token, then the cursor is positioned after the end of the contents of the template file when the composer starts up.

Conditional Inclusion of Text for Reply-Leadin, Signatures, and Templates

Conditional text inclusion may be used with the Reply-Leadin option, in signature files, and in template files used in roles. It may not be used with the Index-Format option.

There is a limited if-else capability for including text. The if-else condition is based on whether or not a given token would result in replacement text you specify. The syntax of this conditional inclusion is

_token_(match_this, if_matched [ , if_not_matched ] )

The left parenthesis must follow the underscore immediately, with no intervening space. It means the token is expanded and the results of that expansion are compared against the "match_this" argument. If there is an exact match, then the "if_matched" text is used as the replacement text. Otherwise, the "if_not_matched" text is used. One of the most useful values for the "match_this" argument is the empty string, "". In that case the expansion is compared against the empty string.

Here's an example to make it clearer. This text could be included in one of your template files:

_NEWS_("", "I'm replying to email","I'm replying to news")

If that is included in a template file which you are using while replying to a message (because you chose to use the role it was part of), and that message has a newsgroup header and a newsgroup in that header, then the text

I'm replying to news

will be included in the message you are about to compose. On the other hand, if the message you are replying to does not have a newsgroup, then the text

I'm replying to email

would be included instead. This would also work in signature files and in the "Reply-Leadin" option. If the "match_this", "if_matched", or "if_not_matched" arguments contain spaces, parentheses, or commas; they have to be quoted with double quotation marks (like in the example above). If you want to include a literal quote in the text you must escape the quote by preceding it with a backslash character. If you want to include a literal backslash character you must escape it by preceding it with another backslash.

The comma followed by "if_not_matched" is optional. If there is no "if_not_matched" present then no text is included if the not_matched case is true. Here's another example:

_NEWS_("", "", "This msg was seen in group: _NEWS_.")

Here you can see that tokens may appear in the arguments. The same is true for tokens with the conditional parentheses. They may appear in arguments, though you do have to be careful to get the quoting and escaping of nested double quotes correct. If this was in the signature file being used and you were replying to a message sent to comp.mail.pine the resulting text would be:

This msg was seen in group: comp.mail.pine.

If you were replying to a message which wasn't sent to any newsgroup the resulting text would be a single blank line. The reason you'd get a blank line is because the end of the line is outside of the conditional, so is always included. If you wanted to get rid of that blank line you could do so by moving the end of line inside the conditional. In other words, it's ok to have multi-line "if_matched" or "if_not_matched" arguments. The text just continues until the next double quotation, even if it's not on the same line.

Here's one more (contrived) example illustrating a matching argument which is not the empty string.

_SMARTDATE_("Today", _SMARTDATE_, "On _DATE_") _FROM_ wrote:

If this was the value of your "Reply-Leadin" option and you were replying to a message which was sent today, then the value of the "Reply-Leadin" would be

Today Fred Flintstone wrote:

But if you were replying to a message sent on Oct. 27 (and that wasn't today) you would get

On Oct 27 Fred Flintstone wrote:

Per Server Directory Configuration

This is only available if Pine was linked with an LDAP library when it was compiled. If that's the case, there will be a Directory option underneath the Setup command on the Main Menu. Each server that is defined there has several configuration variables which control the behavior when using it.
This is the name of the host where an LDAP server is running.

To find out whether your organization has its own LDAP server, contact its computing support staff.

This is the search base to be used on this server. It functions as a filter by restricting your searches in the LDAP server database to the specified contents of the specified fields. Without it, searches submitted to this directory server may fail. It might be something like:
      O = <Your Organization Name>, C = US
or it might be blank. (Some LDAP servers actually ignore anything specified here.)

If in doubt what parameters you should specify here, contact the maintainers of the LDAP server.

This is the TCP port number to be used with this LDAP server. If you leave this blank port 389 will be used.

This is a nickname to be used in displays. If you don't supply a nickname the server name from "ldap-server" will be used instead. This option is strictly for your convenience.

Set this feature to have lookups done to this server implicitly from the composer. If an address doesn't look like a fully-qualified address, it will be looked up in your address books, and if it doesn't match a nickname there, then it will be looked up on the LDAP servers which have this feature set. Also see the LDAP feature lookup-addrbook-contents and the Setup/Config feature ldap-result-to-addrbook-add.

Normally implicit LDAP lookups from the composer are done only for the strings you type in from the composer screen. In other words, you type in something in the To or CC field and press return, then the string is looked up. First that string is looked up in your address books. If a match is found there, then the results of that match are looked up again. If you place a string in your address book that you want to have looked up on the LDAP directory server, you need to turn on this feature. If you set this feature for a server, you almost always will also want to set the use-implicitly-from-composer feature. An example might serve to best illustrate this feature.

If an LDAP lookup of "William Clinton" normally returns an entry with an address of, then you might put an entry in your address book that looks like:

    Nickname     Address
    bill         "William Clinton"
Now, when you type "bill" into an address field in the composer Pine will find the "bill" entry in your address book. It will replace "bill" with "William Clinton". It will then search for an entry with that nickname in your address book and not find one. If this feature is set, Pine will then attempt to lookup "William Clinton" on the LDAP server and find the entry with address

A better way to accomplish the same thing is probably to use the feature save-search-criteria-not-result.

Normally when you save the results of an LDAP directory lookup to your address book the results of the lookup are saved. If this feature is set and the entry being saved was found on this directory server, then the search criteria is saved instead of the results of the search. When this address book entry is used in the future, instead of copying the results from the address book the directory lookup will be done again. This could be useful if the copied result might become stale because the data on the directory server changes (for example, the entry's email address changes). You probably don't want to set this feature if the server is at all slow or unreliable.

The way this actually works is that instead of saving the email address in your address book, Pine saves enough information to look up the same directory entry again. In particular, it saves the server name and the distinguished name of the entry. It's possible that the server administrators might change the format of distinguished names on the server, or that the entry might be removed from the server. If Pine notices this, you will be warned and a backup copy of the email address will be used. You may want to create a new entry in this case, since you will get the annoying warning every time you use the old entry. You may do that by Saving the entry to a new nickname in the same address book. You will be asked whether or not you want to use the backup email address.

A related feature in the Setup/Config screen is ldap-result-to-addrbook-add.

Spaces in your input are normally handled specially. Each space character is replaced by
     * <SPACE>
in the search query (but not by "* <SPACE> *"). The reason this is done is so the input string
     Greg Donald
(which is converted to "Greg* Donald") will match the names "Greg Donald", "Gregory Donald", "Greg F. Donald", and "Gregory F Donald"; but it won't match "Greg McDonald". If the "Search-Rule" you were using was "begins-with", then it would also match the name "Greg Donaldson".

Turning on this feature will disable this substitution.

This affects the way that LDAP searches are done. In particular, this tells the server where to look for the string to be matched. If set to "name" then the string that is being searched for will be compared with the string in the "Name" field on the server (technically, it is the "commonname" field on the server). "Surname" means we're looking for a match in the "Surname" field on the server (actually the "sn" field). "Givenname" really is "givenname" and "email" is the electronic mail address (this is actually the field called "mail" or "electronicmail" on the server). The other three types are combinations of the types listed so far. "Name-or-email" means the string should appear in either the "name" field OR the "email" field. Likewise, "surname-or-givenname" means "surname" OR "givenname" and "sur-or-given-or-name-or-email" means the obvious thing.

This search type is combined with the search rule to form the actual search query.

The usual default value for this option is "sur-or-given-or-name-or-email". This type of search may be slow on some servers. Try "name-or-email", which is often faster, or just "name" if the performance seems to be a problem.

Some servers have been configured with different attribute names for these four fields. In other words, instead of using the attribute name "mail" for the email address field, the server might be configured to use something else, for example, "rfc822mail" or "internetemailaddress". Pine can be configured to use these different attribute names by using the four per-server configuration options:

This affects the way that LDAP searches are done. If set to "equals" then only exact matches count. "Contains" means that the string you type in is a substring of what you are matching against. "Begins-with" and "ends-with" mean that the string starts or ends with the string you type in.

Spaces in your input are normally handled specially, but you can turn that special handling off with the disable-ad-hoc-space-substitution feature.

The usual default value for this option is begins-with.

This is the name of the attribute which is searched for when looking for an email address. The default value for this option is "mail" or "electronicmail". If the server you are using uses a different attribute name for the email address, put that attribute name here.

This will affect the search filter used if your Search-Type is one that contains a search for "email". It will also cause the attribute value matching this attribute name to be used as the email address when you look up an entry from the composer.

This is the name of the attribute which is searched for when looking for the name of the entry. The default value for this option is "cn", which stands for common name. If the server you are using uses a different attribute name for the name, put that attribute name here. This will affect the search filter used if your Search-Type is one that contains a search for "name".

This is the name of the attribute which is searched for when looking for the surname of the entry. The default value for this option is "sn". If the server you are using uses a different attribute name for the surname, put that attribute name here. This will affect the search filter used if your Search-Type is one that contains a search for "surname".

This is the name of the attribute which is searched for when looking for the given name of the entry. The default value for this option is "givenname". If the server you are using uses a different attribute name for the given name, put that attribute name here. This will affect the search filter used if your Search-Type is one that contains a search for "givenname".

This places a limit on the number of seconds the LDAP search will continue. The default is 30 seconds. A value of 0 means no limit. Note that some servers may place limits of their own on searches.

This places a limit on the number of entries returned by the LDAP server. A value of 0 means no limit. The default is 0. Note that some servers may place limits of their own on searches.

This one is for advanced users only! If you define this, then the search-type and search-rule defined are both ignored. However, the feature disable-ad-hoc-space-substitution is still in effect. That is, the space substitution will take place even in a custom filter unless you disable it.

If your LDAP service stops working and you suspect it might be because of your custom filter, just delete this filter and try using the search-type and search-rule instead. Another option that sometimes causes trouble is the search-base option.

This variable may be set to the string representation of an LDAP search filter (see RFC1960). In the places where you want the address string to be substituted in, put a '%s' in this filter string. Here are some examples:

A "Search-Type" of "name" with "Search-Rule" of "begins-with" is equivalent to the "custom-search-filter"

When you try to match against the string "string" the program replaces the "%s" with "string" (without the quotes). You may have multiple "%s"'s and they will all be replaced with the string. There is a limit of 10 "%s"'s.

A "Search-Type" of "name-or-email" with "Search-Rule" of "contains" is equivalent to


If your server uses a different attribute name than Pine uses by default, (for example, it uses "rfc822mail" instead of "mail"), then you may be able to use one or more of the four attribute configuration options instead of defining a custom filter:

Color Configuration

If the terminal or terminal emulator you are using is capable of using color (see color-style option), or if you are using PC-Pine, then it is possible to set up Pine so that various parts of the display will be shown in colors you configure. This is done using the Setup Color screen. The Setup Color screen is divided into four broad sections: Options, General Colors, Index Colors, and Header Colors. In addition to these four categories you may also color lines in the MESSAGE INDEX screen by configuring the Index Line Color.

Each color is defined as a foreground color (the color of the actual text) and a background color (the color of the area behind the text).

Color Options

This option affects the colors used to display the current line in the MESSAGE INDEX screen. If you do not have Index Line Colors defined, then this option will have no effect.

The available options include:

This is the default. If an index line is colored because it matches one of your Index Color Rules, then its colors will be reversed when it is the currently highlighted line. For example, if the line is normally red text on a blue background, then when it is the current line it will be drawn as blue text on a red background.

The rest of the option values all revert to this flip-colors behavior if there is no Reverse Color defined.

With this option the Reverse color is always used to highlight the current line.
The foreground part of the Reverse Color is used to highlight the current line. If this would cause the text to be unreadable (because the foreground and background colors are the same) or if it would cause no change in the color of the index line, then the colors are flipped instead.

Some people think this works particularly well if you use different background colors to emphasize "interesting" lines, but always with the same Normal foreground color, and you use a different foreground color for the Reverse Color.

With the "reverse-fg" rule above, it is possible that the resulting color will be exactly the same as the regular Reverse Color. That can lead to some possible confusion because an "interesting" line which is the current line will be displayed exactly the same as a non-interesting line which is current. You can't tell whether the line is just a regular current line or if it is an "interesting" current line by looking at the color. Setting the option to this value removes that ambiguity. It is the same as the "reverse-fg" setting unless the resulting interesting current line would look just like a non-interesting current line. In that case, the interesting line's colors are simply flipped (like in the default behavior).

As an alternative way to preserve the line's interestingness in this case, you may find that using both a different foreground and a different background color for the interesting line will help.

The background part of the Reverse Color is used to highlight the current line. If this would cause the text to be unreadable (because the foreground and background colors are the same) or if it would cause no change in the color of the index line, then the colors are flipped instead.

Some people think this works particularly well if you use different foreground colors to emphasize "interesting" lines, but always with the same Normal background color, and you use a different background color for the Reverse Color.

As with the "reverse-fg" case, the "reverse-bg" rule may also result in a color which is exactly the same as the regular Reverse Color. Setting the option to this value removes that ambiguity. It is the same as the "reverse-bg" setting unless the resulting current line has the same color as the Reverse Color. In that case, the interesting line's colors are simply flipped (like in the default behavior).

General Colors

Normal Color
This is the color which most of the screen is painted in.

Reverse Color
The color Pine uses for reverse video characters. Actually, the name is misleading. This used to be reverse video and so the name remains. It is still used to highlight certain parts of the screen but the color may be set to whatever you'd like.

Title Color
The color Pine uses for the titlebar (the top line on the screen). By default, the Title Color is the same as the Reverse Color.

Status Color
The color Pine uses for messages written to the status message line near the bottom of the screen. By default, the Status Color is the same as the Reverse Color.

KeyLabel Color
The color Pine uses for the labels of the commands in the two-line menu at the bottom of the screen. The label is the long name, for example, "PrevMsg". By default, the KeyLabel Color is the same as the Normal Color.

KeyName Color
The color Pine uses for the names of the commands in the two-line menu at the bottom of the screen. The KeyName is the shorter name in the menu. For example, the "W" before the "WhereIs". By default, the KeyName Color is the same as the Normal Color.

Selectable-item Color
The color Pine uses for displaying selectable items, such as URLs. By default, the Selectable-item Color is the same as the Normal Color, except it is also Bold.

Quote Colors
The colors Pine uses for coloring quoted text in the MESSAGE TEXT screen. If a line begins with a > character (or space followed by >) it is considered a quote. That line will be given the Quote1 Color (first level quote). If there is a second level of quoting then the Quote2 Color will be used. Pine considers there to be a second level of quoting if that first > is followed by another > (or space followed by >). If there are characters other than whitespace and > signs, then it isn't considered another level of quoting. Similarly, if there is a third level of quoting the Quote3 Color will be used. If there are more levels after that the Quote Colors are reused. If you define all three colors then it would repeat like Color1, Color2, Color3, Color1, Color2, Color3, ... If you only define the first two it would be Color1, Color2, Color1, Color2, ... If you define only the Quote1 Color, then the entire quote would be that color regardless of the quoting levels. By default, the Quote Colors are not defined.

Prompt Color
The color Pine uses for confirmation prompts and questions which appear in the status message line near the bottom of the screen. By default, the Prompt Color is the same as the Reverse Color.

Index Colors

You may add color to the single character symbols which give the status of each message in the MESSAGE INDEX. By default the characters "+", "*", "D", "A", and "N" show up near the left hand side of the screen, depending on whether the message is addressed to you, and whether the message is marked Important, is Deleted, is Answered, or is New. You may set the color of those symbols. By default, all of these symbols are drawn with the same color as the rest of the index line they are a part of.

Besides coloring the message status symbols, you may also color the entire index line. This is done by using the Index Line Color configuration screen.

Index-to-me Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "+" symbol which signifies a message is addressed directly to you.

Index-important Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "*" symbol which signifies a message has been flagged Important.

Index-deleted Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "D" symbol which signifies a message has been marked Deleted.

Index-answered Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "A" symbol which signifies a message has been answered.

Index-new Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "N" symbol which signifies a message is New.

Index-recent Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "R" symbol which signifies a message is Recent (only visible if the "IMAPSTATUS" token is part of the index-format option).

Index-unseen Symbol Color
The color used for drawing the "U" symbol which signifies a message is Unseen (only visible if the "IMAPSTATUS" token is part of the index-format option).

Header Colors

You may add color to the header fields in the MESSAGE TEXT screen. For example, you may set the color of the contents of the Subject field or the From field.

For Header Colors, there is an additional line on the configuration screen labeled "Pattern to match". If you leave that blank, then the whole field for that header will always be colored. However, if you give a pattern to match, the coloring will only take place if there is a match for that pattern in the value of the field. For example, if you are working on a color for the Subject header and you fill in a pattern of "important", then only Subjects which contain the word "important" will be colored. For address fields like From or To, a pattern match will cause only the addresses which match the pattern to be colored.

If the pattern you enter is a comma-separated list of patterns, then coloring happens if any of those patterns matches.

Index Line Colors

You may color whole index lines by using roles. This isn't configured in the Setup Colors screen, but is configured in the Setup Rules IndexColor screen.

Index Line Color Configuration

Index Line Color causes lines in the MESSAGE INDEX screen to be colored. This action is only available if your terminal is capable of displaying color and color display has been enabled with the Color-Style option. (In PC-Pine, color is always enabled so there is no option to turn on.)

Each rule has a "Pattern", which is used to decide which of the rules is used; and the color which is used if the Pattern matches a particular message.

Rule Patterns

In order to determine whether or not a message matches a rule the message is compared with the rule's Pattern. These Patterns are the same for use with Roles, Filtering, Index Coloring, and Scoring, so are described in only one place, "here".

Index Line Color

This is the color that index lines are colored when there is a matching Pattern. This colors the whole index line, except possibly the status letters which may be colored separately using the Setup Kolor screen.

Role Configuration

You may play different roles depending on who you are replying to. For example, if you are replying to a message addressed to help-desk you may be acting as a Help Desk Worker. That role may require that you use a different return address and/or a different signature.

Roles are optional. If you set up roles they work like this: Each role has a set of "Uses", which indicate whether or not a role is eligible to be considered for a particular use; a "Pattern", which is used to decide which of the eligible roles is used; and a set of "Actions", which are taken when that role is used. When you reply to a message, the message you are replying to is compared with the Patterns of the roles marked as eligible for use when replying. The comparisons start with the first eligible role and keep going until there is a match. If a match is found, the matching role's Actions are taken.

Role Uses

There are three types of use to be configured; one for Replying, one for Forwarding, and one for Composing. These indicate whether or not you want a role to be considered when you type the Reply, Forward, or Compose commands. (The Role command is an alternate form of the Compose command, and it is not affected by these settings.) Each of these Use types has three possible values. The value "Never" means that the role will never be considered as a candidate for use with the corresponding command. For example, if you set a role's Reply Use to Never, then when you Reply to a message, the role won't even be considered. (That isn't quite true. If the message you are replying to matches some other role which requires confirmation, then there will be a ^T command available which allows you to select a role from all of your roles, not just the reply-eligible roles.)

The options "With confirmation" and "Without confirmation" both mean that you do want to consider this role when using the corresponding command. For either of these settings the role's Pattern will be checked to see if it matches the message. For Reply Use, the message used to compare the Patterns with is the message being replied to. For Forward Use, the message used to compare the Pattern with is the message being forwarded. For Compose Use, there is no message, so the parts of the Pattern which depend on a message (everything other than Current Folder Type) are ignored. In all cases, the Current Folder is checked if defined, and the Score Interval is checked if defined. If there is a match then this role will either be used without confirmation or will be the default when confirmation is asked for, depending on which of the two options is selected. If confirmation is requested, you will have a chance to choose No Role instead of the offered role, or to change the role to any one of your other roles (with the ^T command).

Role Patterns

In order to determine whether or not a message matches a role the message is compared with the Role Pattern. These Patterns are the same for use with Roles, Filtering, Index Coloring, and Scoring, so are described in only one place, "here".

Since header patterns and AllText patterns which are unset are ignored, a role which has all header patterns unset, the AllText pattern unset, the Score Interval unset, and the Current Folder Type set to "Any" may be used as a default role. It should be put last in the list of roles since the matching starts at the beginning and proceeds until one of the roles is a match. If no roles at all match, then Pine will use its regular methods of defining the role. If you wanted to, you could define a different "default" role for Replying, Forwarding, Composing, and Index Line Color by setting the "Use" fields appropriately.

Role Actions

Once a role match is found, the role's Actions are taken. For each role there are several possible actions that may be defined. They are actions to set the From address, the Reply-To address, the Fcc, the Signature file, and the Template file.

Initialize Setttings Using Role

This is a power user feature. You will usually want to leave this field empty. The value of this field is the nickname of another one of your roles. The action values from that other role are used as the initial values of the action items for this role. If you put something in any of the action fields for this role, that will override whatever was in the corresponding field of the initializer role. The fields affected by this field are the fields labeled "Set From", "Set Reply-To", "Set Other Headers", "Set Fcc", "Set LiteralSig", "Set Signature", and "Set Template".

You might use this field if the "action" part of one of your roles is something you want to use in more than one role. Instead of filling in those action values again for each role, you may give the nickname of the role where the values are filled in. It's just a shortcut way to define role actions.

Here's an example to help explain how this works. Suppose you have a role with nickname "role1" and role1 has (among other things)

Set Signature = sig_file1

set. If in "role2" you set "Initialize settings using role" to "role1", then role2 will inherit the Set Signature value from role1 by default (and any of the three other action values that are set). So if role2 had

Set Signature =

defined, the signature file used with role2 would be "sig-file1". However, if role2 had

Set Signature = sig_file2

defined, then the signature file used with role2 would be "sig-file2".

If you wish, you may choose a nickname from your list of roles by using the "T" command.

Set From

This field consists of a single address which will be used as the From address on the message you are sending. This should be a fully-qualified address like

Full Name <user@domain>

or just


If this is left blank, then the normal From address will be used.

Set Reply-To

The Reply-To address is the address used on the Reply-To line of the message you are sending. You don't need a Reply-To address unless it is different from the From address. This should be a fully-qualified address like

Full Name <user@domain>

or just


If this is left blank, then there won't be a Reply-To address unless you have configured one specially with the customized-hdrs configuration option.

Set Other-Hdrs

This field gives you a way to set values for headers besides "From" and "Reply-To". If you want to set either of those, use the specific "Set From" and "Set Reply-To" settings.

This field is similar to the customized-hdrs option. Each header you specify here must include the header tag ("To:", "Approved:", etc.) and may optionally include a value for that header. In order to see these headers when you compose using this role you must use the rich header command. Here's an example which shows how you might set the To address.

Set Other Hdrs = To: Full Name <user@domain>

Headers set in this way are different from headers set with the customized-hdrs option in that the value you give for a header here will replace any value that already exists. For example, if you are Replying to a message there will already be at least one address in the To header (the address you are Replying to). However, if you Reply using a role which sets the To header, that role's To header value will be used instead. The customized-hdrs headers are defaults.

Limitation: Because commas are used to separate the list of Other Headers, it is not possible to have the value of a header contain a comma; nor is there currently an "escape" mechanism provided to make this work.

Set Fcc

This field consists of a single folder name which will be used in the Fcc field of the message you are sending. You may put anything here that you would normally type into the Fcc field from the composer.

In addition, an fcc of "" (two double quotation marks) means no Fcc.

A blank field here means that Pine will use its normal rules for deciding the default value of the Fcc field. For many roles, perhaps most, it may make more sense for you to use the other Pine facilities for setting the Fcc. In particular, if you want the Fcc to depend on who you are sending the message to then the fcc-name-rule is probably more useful. In that case, you would want to leave the Fcc field here blank. However, if you have a role that depends on who the message you are replying to was From, or what address that message was sent to; then it might make sense to set the Fcc for that role here.

Set LiteralSig

This field contains the actual text for your signature, as opposed to the name of a file containing your signature. If this is defined it takes precedence over any value set in the Set Signature field.

This is simply a different way to store the signature. The signature is stored inside your Pine configuration file instead of in a separate signature file. Tokens work the same way they do with Set Signature.

The two character sequence \n (backslash followed by the character n) will be used to signify a line-break in your signature. You don't have to enter the \n, but it will be visible in the CHANGE THIS ROLE RULE window after you are done editing the signature.

Set Signature

The Signature is the name of a file to be used as the signature file when this role is being used. If the filename is followed by a vertical bar (|) then instead of reading the contents of the file the file is assumed to be a program which will produce the text to be used on its standard output. The program can't have any arguments and doesn't receive any input from Pine, but the rest of the processing works as if the contents came from a file.

Signature files may be stored remotely on an IMAP server. In order to do that you just give the file a remote name. This works just like the regular signature-file option which is configured from the Setup/Configuration screen. A remote signature file name might look like:


or, if you have an SSL-capable version of Pine, you might try


Once you have named the remote signature file you create its contents by using the "F" "editFile" command when the cursor is on the "Set Signature" line of the role editor.

Besides containing regular text, a signature file may also contain (or a signature program may produce) tokens which are replaced with text which depends on the message you are replying to or forwarding. The tokens all look like _word_ (a word surrounded by underscores). For example, if the token


is included in the text of the signature file, then when you reply to or forward a message, the token will be replaced with the actual date the message you are replying to or forwarding was sent.

If you use a role which has a signature file for a plain composition (that is, not a reply or forward) then there is no original message, so any tokens which depend on the message will be replaced with nothing. So if you want a signature file to be useful for new compositions it shouldn't include any of the tokens which depend on the message being replied to or forwarded.

The list of available tokens is here.

Actually, for the adventurous, there is a way to conditionally include text based on whether or not a token would result in specific replacement text. For example, you could include some text based on whether or not the _NEWS_ token would result in any newsgroups if it was used. It's explained in detail here.

In the very unlikely event that you want to include a literal token in a signature file, you must precede it with a backslash character. For example, to include the literal text _DATE_ you must actually use \_DATE_. It is not possible to have a literal backslash followed by an expanded token.

A blank field here means that Pine will use its normal rules for deciding which file (if any) to use for the signature file.

Set Template

A Template is the name of a file to be included in the message when this role is being used. The template file is a file which is included at the top of the message you are composing.

If the filename is followed by a vertical bar (|) then instead of reading the contents of the file the file is assumed to be a program which will produce the text to be used on its standard output. The program can't have any arguments and doesn't receive any input from Pine, but the rest of the processing works as if the contents came from a file.

Template files may be stored remotely on an IMAP server. In order to do that you just give the file a remote name. This works just like the regular signature-file option which is configured from the Setup/Configuration screen. A remote template file name might look like:


or, if you have an SSL-capable version of Pine, you might try


Once you have named the remote template file you create its contents by using the "F" "editFile" command when the cursor is on the "Set Template" line of the role editor.

Besides containing regular text, a template file may also contain (or a template file program may produce) tokens which are replaced with text which depends on the message you are replying to or forwarding. The tokens all look like _word_ (a word surrounded by underscores). For example, if the token


is included in the text of the template file, then when you reply to or forward a message, the token will be replaced with the actual date the message you are replying to or forwarding was sent.

If you use a role which has a template file for a plain composition (that is, not a reply or forward) then there is no original message, so any tokens which depend on the message will be replaced with nothing. So if you want a template file to be useful for new compositions it shouldn't include any of the tokens which depend on the message being replied to or forwarded.

The list of available tokens is here.

Actually, for the adventurous, there is a way to conditionally include text based on whether or not a token would result in specific replacement text. For example, you could include some text based on whether or not the _NEWS_ token would result in any newsgroups if it was used. It's explained in detail here.

In the very unlikely event that you want to include a literal token in a template file, you must precede it with a backslash character. For example, to include the literal text _DATE_ you must actually use \_DATE_. It is not possible to have a literal backslash followed by an expanded token.

A blank field here means that Pine will not use a template file when this role is being used.

If any of the actions are left unset, then the action depends on what is present in the "Initialize settings using role" field. If you've listed the nickname of another one of your roles there, then the corresponding action from that role will be used here. If that action is also blank, or if there is no nickname specified, then Pine will do whatever it normally does to set these actions. This depends on other configuration options and features you've set.

Filtering Configuration

The software which actually delivers mail (the stuff that happens before Pine is involved) for you is in a better position to do mail filtering than Pine itself. If possible, you may want to look into using that sort of mail filtering to deliver mail to different folders, delete it, or forward it. However, if you'd like Pine to help with this, Pine's filtering is for you.

Filtering is a way to automatically move certain messages from one folder to another or to delete messages. It can also be used to set message status bits (Important, Deleted, New, Answered). Pine doesn't have the ability to forward mail to another address.

Each filtering rule has a "Pattern" and a "Filter Action". When a folder is opened, when new mail arrives in an open folder, or when mail is Expunged from a folder; each message is compared with the Patterns of your filtering rules. The comparisons start with the first rule and keep going until there is a match. If a match is found, the message may be deleted or moved, depending on the setting of the Filter Action. If the message is not deleted, it may have its status altered.

For efficiency, each message is usually only checked once. When new mail arrives, the new messages are checked but not the old. There are some exceptions to this rule. The expunge command will cause all messages to be rechecked, as will editing of the filtering rules.

NOTE: When setting up a Pattern used to delete messages, it is recommended that you test the Pattern first with a "Move" folder specified in case unintended matches occur. Messages that are deleted will be removed from the folder and unrecoverable from within Pine after the next Expunge command or once the folder being filtered has been closed.

Filter Patterns

In order to determine whether or not a message matches a filter the message is compared with the Filter's Pattern. These Patterns are the same for use with Roles, Filtering, Index Coloring, Scoring, and Other Rules, so are described in only one place, "here".

Since filtering is a potentially destructive action, if you have a filtering Pattern with nothing other than Current Folder Type set, that filtering rule is ignored.

Filter Actions

Once a filter match is found for a particular message, there are some actions which may be taken. First, the message may have its status changed. This is the same message status that you can manipulate manually using the Flag Command. There are four elements of message status that you can control. You can set or clear the Important status, the New status, the Deleted status, and the Answered status. Of course, if the filter is going to delete the message, then there is no point in setting message status.

Second, the filter may delete or move the message. Deleting the message marks it Deleted and removes it from view. It is effectively gone forever (though it technically is still there until the next expunge command, which may happen implicitly). Moving the message moves it from the open folder into the folder listed on the "to Folder" line of the filter configuration. If you list more than one folder name (separated by commas) then the message will be copied to each of those folders. In any case, if "Delete" or "Move" is set then the message is removed from the current folder. If you just want to set the messages status without deleting it from the folder, then set the filter action to "Just Set Message Status".

(There is no way to do a Copy instead of a Move, due to the difficulties involved in keeping track of whether or not a message has already been copied.)

Move-only-if-deleted option

If you have specified a Move to Folder to filter messages into, then this option has an effect. If this option is set then messages will only be moved into the specified folder if they aren't already marked deleted. This might be useful if you have more than one Pine session running simultaneously and you don't want messages to be filtered into a folder more than once. This method is not foolproof. There may be cases where a message gets marked deleted and so it is never filtered into the folder. For example, if you deleted it in another Pine or another mail program that didn't know about the filtering rule.

This option has no effect if the Filter Action is not set to Move.

Scoring Configuration

Most people will not use scores at all, but if you do use them, here's how they work in Pine. Using this screen, you may define Scoring rules. The score for a message is calculated by looking at every Score rule defined and adding up the Score Values for the ones which match the message. If there are no matches for a message, it has a score of zero. Message scores may be used a couple of ways in Pine.

Sorting by Score

One of the methods you may use to sort message indexes is to sort by score. The scores of all the messages in a folder will be calculated and then the index will be ordered by placing the messages in order of ascending or descending score.

Scores for use in Patterns

The Patterns used for Roles, Index Line Coloring, and Filtering have a category labeled "Score Interval". When a message is being compared with a Pattern to check for a match, if the Score Interval is set only messages which have a score somewhere in the interval are a match.

Scoring Rule Patterns

In order to determine whether or not a message matches a scoring rule the message is compared with the rule's Pattern. These Patterns are the same for use with Roles, Filtering, Index Coloring, and Scoring, so are described in only one place, "here".

Actually, Scoring rule Patterns are slightly different from the other types of Patterns because Scoring rule Patterns don't contain a Score Interval. In other words, when calculating the score for a message, which is done by looking at the Scoring rule Patterns, scores aren't used.

Score Value

This is the value that will be added to the score for a message if the rule's Pattern is a match. Each individual Score Value is an integer between -100 and 100, and the values from matching rules are added together to get a message's score.

Other Rules Configuration

Using this screen, you may define configuration Rules which don't fit nicely into the other Rules categories.

Other Rule Patterns

Other Rules are a little different from the rest of the Rules because they depend only on the current folder, and not on a particular message. In order to determine whether or not a rule's actions should be applied the current folder is compared with the rule's Pattern, which consists of only the Current Folder Type. Current Folder Type works the same for Other Rules as it does for Roles, Filtering, Index Coloring, and Scoring. Keep in mind that the only part of the Pattern which applies to Other Rules is the Current Folder Type when looking at the description of Patterns given "here".

Other Rule Actions

Once a pattern match is found, the rule's Actions are taken. Neither of the following two rule's depends on a message for its match. That means that all the parts of the Pattern which depend on matching an attribute of a message are ignored. So the only part of the Pattern that matters for these Actions is the Current Folder Type.

Set Sort Order

When you enter a new folder, these rules will be checked to see if you have set a sort order which is different from your default sort order. The default is set in the Setup/Config screen with the Sort-Key option. If the Sort Order action is set, then the folder will be displayed sorted in that sort order instead of in the default order.

A possible point of confusion arises when you change the configuration of the Sort Order for the currently open folder. The folder will normally be re-sorted when you go back to viewing the index. However, if you have manually sorted the folder with the Sort command, it will not be re-sorted.

Set Index Format

When you enter a new folder, these rules will be checked to see if you have set an Index Format which is different from your default Index Format, which is set with the Index-Format option. If so, the index will be displayed with this format instead of the default.

Set Startup Rule

When you enter a new folder, these rules will be checked to see if you have set a startup rule which is different from the default startup rule. The default for incoming folders is set in the Setup/Config screen with the "incoming-startup-rule" option. The default for folders other than INBOX that are not part of your incoming collection (see enable-incoming-folders feature) is to start with the last message in the folder. If the Startup Rule is set to something other than "default", then the rule will determine which message will be the current message when the folder is first opened.

The various startup rule possibilities work the same here as they do in the incoming collection, except that the folder can be any specific folder or any folder type.


Patterns are used with Roles, Filtering, Index Coloring, and Scoring. Patterns are compared with a message to see if there is a match. For Filtering, the messages being checked are all the messages in the folder, one at a time. For Index Line Coloring, each message which is visible on the screen is checked for matches with the Index Coloring Patterns. Roles are used with the Reply, Forward, and Compose commands. For Reply, the message used to compare the Pattern with is the message being replied to; for Forward, the message used to compare the Pattern with is the message being forwarded; and for Compose, there is no message, so the parts of the Pattern which depend on a message (everything other than Current Folder Type) are not used. Only the Current Folder Type matters for Compose. For Scoring, the message being scored is compared with all of the Score Patterns, and the Score Values from the ones that match are added together to get the message's score. For Other Rules, there is no message. Only the Current Folder Type is checked for Other Rules.

Each Pattern has several possible parts, all of which are optional. In order for there to be a match, ALL of the defined parts of the Pattern must match the message. If a part is not defined it is considered a match. For example, if the To pattern is not defined it will be displayed as

To pattern = <No Value Set>

That is considered a match because it is not defined. This means that the Pattern with nothing defined is a match if the Current Folder Type matches, but there is an exception. Because filtering is a potentially destructive action, filtering Patterns with nothing other than Current Folder Type defined are ignored. If you really want a filtering Pattern to match all messages (subject to Current Folder Type) the best way to do it is to define a Score interval which includes all possible scores. This would be the score interval (-INF,INF). This can be used even if you haven't defined any rules to Set Scores.

There are six predefined header patterns called the To, From, Sender, Cc, News, and Subject patterns. Besides those six predefined header patterns, you may add additional header patterns with header fieldnames of your choosing. You add an extra header pattern by placing the cursor on one of the patterns while in the role editor and using the "eXtraHdr" command. The Recip pattern is a header pattern which stands for Recipient (To OR Cc) and the Partic pattern is a header pattern which stands for Participant (From OR To OR Cc). (Defining the Recip pattern does not have the same effect as defining both the To and Cc patterns. Recip is To OR Cc, not To AND Cc.) Similar to the header patterns is the AllText pattern. Instead of comparing this pattern's text against only the contents of a particular header field, the text for the AllText pattern is compared with text anywhere in the message's header or body.

The contents of each of these header patterns (or the AllText pattern) may be a complete email address, part of an address, or a random set of characters to match against. It may also be a comma-separated list of such patterns, which means you are looking for a match against the first pattern in the list OR the second pattern OR the third and so on. For example, a Subject pattern equal to

 Subject pattern = urgent, emergency, alert

would match all messages with a subject which contained at least one of those words. It would also match subjects containing the words "alerts" or "Urgently". (It is not possible to specify two patterns which must BOTH be present for a match. It is only possible to specify that EITHER pattern1 OR pattern2 must be present, and that is exactly what the comma-separated list does.)

The "Current Folder Type" and the "Score Interval" are also part of the Pattern, although the "Score Interval" is not used when checking for matches for Scoring. There are also four similar settings which relate to the status of the message. These settings rely on the message being New or not, Deleted or not, Answered or not, and Important or not.

Parts of a Pattern

Header patterns

A header pattern is simply text which is searched for in the corresponding header field. For example, if a Pattern has a From header pattern with the value "", then only messages which have a From header which contains the text "" will be possible matches. Matches don't have to be exact. For example, if the relevant field of a message contains the text "mailbox@domain" somewhere in it, then header patterns of "box", or "x@d", or "mailbox@domain" are all matches.

All parts of the Pattern must match so, for example, if a message matches a defined From pattern, it still must be checked against the other parts of the Pattern which have been defined. The To header pattern is a slightly special case. If the message being checked has a Resent-To header, the addresses there are used in place of the addresses in the To header. This is only true for the To header. Resent-cc and Resent-From headers are never used unless you add them with the eXtraHdrs command.

If you want to check for the presence of a header field but don't care about its value, then the empty pattern which you get by entering a pair of double quotes ("") should match any message which has the corresponding header field.

AllText patterns

AllText patterns are just like header patterns except that the text is searched for anywhere in the message's headers or body, not just in the contents of a particular header field.

If there is more than one header pattern or AllText pattern for which you want to take the same action there is a shorthand notation which may be used. Any of these patterns may be a comma-separated list of patterns instead of just a single pattern. If any one of the patterns in the list matches the message then it is considered a match. For example, if "company1" and "company2" both required you to use the same role when replying to messages, you might have a To pattern which looks like,

This means that if the mail you are replying to was addressed to either "" or "", then this Pattern is a match and the same actions will be taken.

A technicality: Since comma is the character used to separate multiple values in a header or AllText pattern field, you have to escape comma with a backslash (\) if you want to include a literal comma in one of those fields. The same is true for the backslash character itself, which must be escaped with another backslash to make it literal. It's unlikely you'll ever need to enter a literal comma or backslash in any of the patterns.

Current Folder Type

The "Current Folder Type" may be set to one of four different values: "Any", "News", "Email", or "Specific". If the value is set to "News", then the Pattern will only match if the currently open folder is a newsgroup. The value "Email" only matches if the current folder is not news and the value "Any" causes any folder to match. If the value of "Current Folder Type" is set to "Specific", then you must fill in a value for "Folder", which is on the line below the "Specific" line. In this case you will only get a match if the currently open folder is the specific folder you list. You may give a comma-separated list of folders instead of just a single folder name, in which case the Pattern will match if the open folder is any one of the folders in the list. The name of each folder in the list may be either "INBOX", the technical specification of the folder (like what appears in your configuration file) or, if the folder is one of your incoming folders, it may be the nickname you've given the folder. Here are a couple samples of specific folder names:



The easiest way to fill in the "Folder" field is to use the "T" command which is available when the "Folder" line is hilighted, or to use the "Take" command with the configuration feature "enable-rules-under-take" turned on.

When reading a newsgroup, there may be a performance penalty incurred when collecting the information necessary to check whether or not a Pattern matches a message. For this reason, the default Current Folder Type is set to "Email". If you have Patterns with a Current Folder Type of either "Any" or "News" and those Patterns are used for Index Line Coloring or Scoring, you may experience slower screen redrawing in the MESSAGE INDEX screen when in a newsgroup.

Score Interval

The "Score Interval" may be set to an interval of message scores which should be considered a match. Like the other parts of the Pattern, if it is unset it will be ignored. The Score Interval looks like


where "min_score" and "max_score" are integers between -32000 and 32000. The special values "-INF" and "INF" may be used for the min and max values to represent negative and positive infinity.

When there is a Score Interval defined, it is a match if the score for the message is contained in the interval. The interval includes both endpoints. The score for a message is calculated by looking at every Score rule defined and adding up the Score Values for the ones which match the message. When deciding whether or not a Pattern matches a message for purposes of calculating the score, the Score Interval is ignored.

Message Status

There are four separate message status settings. By default, all four are set to the value "Don't care", which will match any message. The value "Yes" means that the particular status must be true for a match, and the value "No" means that the particular status must not be true for a match. For example, one of the four Message Status settings is whether a message is marked Important or not. A "Yes" means that the message must be Important to be considered a match and "No" means that the message must not be Important to be considered a match. The same is true of the other three message status settings which depend on whether or not the message is New; whether the message has been Answered or not; and whether the message has been Deleted or not.

Help Configuring Pattern Fields

This is a nickname to help you. You should have a different nickname for each role you define. The nickname will be used in the SETUP ROLE RULES screen to allow you to pick a role to edit. It will also be used when you send a message to let you know you are sending with a different role than you use by default, and it will be useful for choosing a role when composing with the Role command or when composing with one of the Role Uses set to With Confirmation. This field is not used in the outgoing message.

To pattern
If this pattern is non-blank, then for this role to be considered a match, at least one of the recipients from the To line of the message being replied to or forwarded must match this pattern. In the case of the Compose command, this pattern and the other header patterns are ignored. If this pattern is a comma-separated list of patterns, then at least one of the recipients must match at least one of the patterns. (Any other non-blank parts of the Pattern must match, too.) If the message being replied to or forwarded has a Resent-To header line, then that is used in place of the To line.

From pattern
This is just like the To pattern except that it is compared with the address from the From header of the message being replied to or forwarded instead of the addresses from the To header.

Sender pattern
This is just like the To pattern except that it is compared with the address from the Sender header of the message being replied to or forwarded instead of the addresses from the To header. If there is no Sender header, then the From header is used instead.

Cc pattern
This is just like the To pattern except that it is compared with the address from the CC header of the message being replied to or forwarded instead of the addresses from the To header.

News pattern
If this pattern is non-blank, then for this role to be considered a match, at least one of the newsgroups from the Newsgroups line of the message must match this pattern. If this pattern is a comma-separated list of patterns, then at least one of the newsgroups must match at least one of the patterns. (Any other non-blank parts of the Pattern must match, too.)

Subject pattern
This is similar to the other header patterns. It is compared with the contents from the Subject of the message being replied to or forwarded.

If you enter non-ascii characters in this field then the search will be done using the character set you have defined with the "character-set" configuration variable. (The truly sophisticated may use an alternate character set for a search by entering the MIME encoding of the header string here.)

Extra header patterns
There isn't actually a field called Extra header patterns, but you may add extra header patterns by moving the cursor to one of the header patterns and using the "eXtraHdr" command to add a new header pattern. You would do this if the six predefined header patterns don't cover the header you want to use for pattern matching. Once you've added an extra header pattern, you use it just like the Subject pattern. Of course, it is compared with the contents from the particular header field of the message being replied to or forwarded rather than the contents from the subject field. To remove an extra header pattern from a role, use the "RemoveHdr" command on the highlighted extra header.

If you enter non-ascii characters in this field then the search will be done using the character set you have defined with the "character-set" configuration variable. (The truly sophisticated may use an alternate character set for a search by entering the MIME encoding of the header string here.)

Recipient pattern
This is just like the To pattern except that it is compared with the addresses from both the To header and the Cc header instead of just the addresses from the To header. It's equivalent to having two different rules; one with a To pattern and the other with the same Cc pattern.

Participant pattern
This is just like the To pattern except that it is compared with the addresses from the To header, the Cc header, and the From header instead of just the addresses from the To header. It's equivalent to having three different rules; one with a To pattern, another with the same Cc pattern, and another with the same From pattern.

AllText pattern
This is similar to the header patterns. Instead of comparing with text in a particular header field it is compared with all of the text in the message header and body.

If you enter non-ascii characters in this field then the search will be done using the character set you have defined with the "character-set" configuration variable. (The truly sophisticated may use an alternate character set for a search by entering the MIME encoding of the header string here.)

Score Interval
The Score Interval, if defined, is part of the Pattern. If you use this, it should be set to something like:


where "min_score" and "max_score" are integers between -32000 and 32000. The special values "-INF" and "INF" can be used for the min and max values. These represent negative and positive infinity.

When there is a Score Interval defined, it is a match if the score for the message is contained in the interval. The interval includes both endpoints. The score for a message is calculated by looking at every scoring rule defined and adding up the Score Values for the rules which match the message.

Current Folder Type
The Current Folder Type is part of the Pattern. It refers to the type of the currently open folder, which is the folder you were last looking at from the MESSAGE INDEX or MESSAGE TEXT screen. In order for a pattern to be considered a match, the current folder must be of the type you set here. The three types "Any", "News", and "Email" are all what you might think.

If the Current Folder Type for a Pattern is set to "News", for example, then that will only be a match if the current folder is a newsgroup and the rest of the Pattern matches. The value "Specific" may be used when you want to limit the match to a specific folder (not just a specific type of folder), or to a list of specific folders. In order to match a specific folder you must Select the "Specific" button AND you must fill in the name (or comma-separated list of names) of the folder in the "Folder" field. If the current folder is any of the folders in the list, that is considered a match. The name of each folder in the list may be either "INBOX", the technical specification of the folder (like what appears in your configuration file) or, if the folder is one of your incoming folders, it may be the nickname you've given the folder. Here are a couple samples of specific folder names:



The easiest way to fill in the "Folder" field is to use the T command which is available when the "Folder" line is hilighted. Note that you won't be able to edit the "Folder" line unless the Current Folder Type is set to "Specific", and any value that "Folder" has is ignored unless the type is set to "Specific".

When reading a newsgroup, there may be a performance penalty incurred when collecting the information necessary to check a Pattern. For this reason, the default Current Folder Type is set to "Email". For example, a role with a non-Normal Index Line Color and a Current Folder Type of "Any" or "News" may cause the MESSAGE INDEX screen to draw more slowly when in a newsgroup.

Message Status Important
This part of the Pattern may have one of three possible values. The default value is "Don't care", which matches any message. The other two values are "Yes", which means the message must be flagged "Important" in order to be a match; or "No", which means the message must not be flagged "Important" in order to be considered a match.

Message Status New
This part of the Pattern may have one of three possible values. The default value is "Don't care", which matches any message. The other two values are "Yes", which means the message must be "New" in order to be a match; or "No", which means the message must not be "New" in order to be a match. "New" is the same as Unseen and not "New" is the same as Seen.

Message Status Deleted
This part of the Pattern may have one of three possible values. The default value is "Don't care", which matches any message. The other two values are "Yes", which means the message must be marked "Deleted" in order to be a match; or "No", which means the message must not be marked "Deleted" in order to be a match.

If you are thinking of using this part of the Pattern as a way to prevent messages from being filtered more than once in a Filter Pattern, take a look at the Filter Option "move-only-if-not-deleted" instead. It should work better than using this field since it will hide the filtered messages even if they are already Deleted.

Message Status Answered
This part of the Pattern may have one of three possible values. The default value is "Don't care", which matches any message. The other two values are "Yes", which means the message must be marked "Answered" in order to be a match; or "No", which means the message must not be marked "Answered" in order to be a match.