openSUSE Leap 15.2


openSUSE Leap är ett fritt Linuxbaserat operativsystem fÜr stationära och
bärbara datorer süväl som servrar. Du kan surfa pü nätet, hantera e-post och
bilder, gĂśra kontorsarbeten, spela upp filmer och musik. Och dessutom ha kul!

Deltagare: Mattias Newzella och Jonas Svensson
Publiceringsdatum: 2020-06-04, : 15.2.20200604

1 Installation
2 Systemuppdatering
3 Packaging Changes
4 Skrivbord
5 Mer information och feedback

Denna versionsinformation är under konstant utveckling. FÜr att fü information
om de senaste uppdateringarna, se onlineversionen pĂĽ
release-notes. Den engelsksprĂĽkiga informationen uppdateras omedelbart.
Översatta versioner kan vara tillfälligt ofullständiga.

Om du uppgraderar frün en äldre version till denna version av openSUSE Leap,
läs versionsinformationen frün tidigare utgüvor här:

Information om projektet finns att tillgü här:

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De viktigaste nyheterna i openSUSE Leap 15.2 finns ocksü att läsa här: https://

1 Installation

Detta avsnitt innehĂĽller viktig information fĂśr nyinstallationer. FĂśr
information om uppgradering, se fĂśljande dokumentation: https://

1.1 Användning av atomisk uppdatering i systemrollen Transactional Server

The installer supports the system role Transactional Server. This system role
features an update system that applies updates atomically (as a single
operation) and makes them easy to revert should that become necessary. These
features are based on the package management tools that all other SUSE and
openSUSE distributions also rely on. This means that the vast majority of RPM
packages that work with other system roles of openSUSE Leap 15.2 also work with
the system role Transactional Server.


Notera: Inkompatibla paket

Some packages modify the contents of /var or /srv in their RPM %post scripts.
These packages are incompatible. If you find such a package, file a bug report.

To provide these features, this update system relies on:

  • Btrfs snapshots.  Before a system update is started, a new Btrfs snapshot
    of the root file system is created. Then, all the changes from the update
    are installed into that Btrfs snapshot. To complete the update, you can
    then restart the system into the new snapshot.

    To revert the update, simply boot from the previous snapshot instead.

  • A read-only root file system.  To avoid issues with and data loss because
    of updates, the root file system must not be written to otherwise.
    Therefore, the root file system is mounted read-only during normal

    To make this setup work, two additional changes to the file system needed
    to be made: To allow writing user configuration in /etc, this directory is
    automatically configured to use OverlayFS. /var is now a separate subvolume
    which can be written to by processes.


Viktigt: Transactional Server Needs At Least 12 GB of Disk Space

The system role Transactional Server needs a disk size of at least 12 GB to
accommodate Btrfs snapshots.

To work with transactional updates, always use the command transactional-update
instead of YaST and Zypper for all software management:

  • Uppdatera systemet med kommandot: transactional-update up

  • Installera ett paket med kommandot: transactional-update pkg in PAKET_NAMN

  • Ta bort ett paket med kommandot: transactional-update pkg rmPAKET_NAMN

  • To revert the last snapshot, that is the last set of changes to the root
    file system, make sure your system is booted into the next to last snapshot
    and run: transactional-update rollback

    Optionally, add a snapshot ID to the end of the command to rollback to a
    specific ID.

When using this system role, by default, the system will perform a daily update
and reboot between 03:30 am and 05:00 am. Both of these actions are
systemd-based and if necessary can be disabled using systemctl:

systemctl disable --now transactional-update.timer rebootmgr.service

For more information about transactional updates, see the openSUSE Kubic blog
posts and

1.2 Installing on Hard Disks With Less Than 12 GB of Capacity

The installer will only propose a partitioning scheme if the available hard
disk size is larger than 12 GB. If you want to set up, for example, very small
virtual machines images, use the guided partitioner to tune partitioning
parameters manually.

1.3 UEFI—Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

Om din dator använder UEFI-boot (vilket troligtvis är fallet om datorn
levererades med Windows 8 eller senare) rekommenderar vi starkt att du om
mĂśjligt uppdaterar UEFI-firmwaret till senaste version. Firmware och
instruktioner fĂśr detta hittar du pĂĽ din dator- eller moderkortstillverkares

Bakgrund: En del UEFI-firmware har en bugg som fĂĽr datorn att krascha om
operativsystemet skriver in fĂśr mycket data i UEFI:ets lagringsutrymme. Men det
går inte att förutsäga hur mycket som är ”för mycket”.

OpenSUSE minimerar denna risk genom att skriva in bara sĂĽ mycket som behĂśvs fĂśr
att starta operativsystemet. Det som skrivs in är endast var UEFI-firmwaret
skall leta efter openSUSE:s bootloader. Funktioner fĂśr att fĂśr att lagra
uppstartsloggar och information om kraschar (pstore) i UEFI-omrĂĽdet som
uppstrÜms Linuxkärnor har, är därfÜr avstängd. Men trots det bÜr du uppdatera
ditt UFEI-firmware fĂśr att undvika eventuella problem.

1.4 UEFI, GPT och MS-DOS partitioner

Med EFI/UEFI specifikationerna kom en ny modell fĂśr partitionering: GPT (GUID
Partition Table). Denna nya layout använder GUID-identifierare (ett globalt
unikt 128-bit tal visat i 32 hexadecimala siffror) fĂśr att identifiera enheter
och partitionstyper.

UEFI specifikationerna tillĂĽter ocksĂĽ partitioner av den fĂśrĂĽldrade typen MBR
(MS-DOS). Linux bootladdare (ELILO eller GRUB 2) fĂśrsĂśker att automatiskt
generera ett GUID fĂśr partitioner av denna typ och skriva in dem i firmwaret.
Südana GUID kan ändras ofta och müste dü omregistreras i firmwaret. En
omregistrering bestür av tvü operationer: avlägsna det gamla ID:et och skapa
ett nytt som ersätter det gamla.

Moderna firmware har en soptunnehanterare som registrerar de borttagna ID:en
och frigÜr minnet som är reserverat fÜr dessa. Felaktiga firmware som inte
lyckas frigÜra dessa resurser kan leda till att datorn inte längre kan starta.

Omvandla MBR-partitionerna till GPT fĂśr att komma runt problemet .

2 Systemuppdatering

This section lists notes related to upgrading the system. For supported
scenarios and detailed upgrade instructions, see the documentation at:



För ytterligare information, se Avsnitt 3, ”Packaging Changes”.

3 Packaging Changes

3.1 FĂśrĂĽldrade paket

Deprecated packages are still shipped as part of the distribution but are
scheduled to be removed the next version of openSUSE Leap. These packages exist
to aid migration, but their use is discouraged and they may not receive

  • libqt4: Will receive neither updates nor security fixes. The package will
    be removed in the next version of openSUSE Leap.

  • kdelibs4: Will receive neither updates nor security fixes. The package will
    be removed in the next version of openSUSE Leap.

FÜr att ta reda pü i fall ett installerat paket inte längre underhülls,
fÜrvissa dig om att lifecycle-data-openSUSE är installerat, och kÜr sedan

zypper lifecycle

3.2 Borttagna paket

Removed packages are not shipped as part of the distribution anymore.

  • artha: Removed because it is unmaintained and has unpatched security
    issues. See

  • fate: Removed because it uses insecure KDE4 and Qt4 libraries and is no longer used for feature requests.

  • gstreamer-plugins-qt, gstreamer-plugins-qt5, and ktp-call-ui: Removed
    because these packages are unmaintained and no longer build. The package 
    ktp-call-ui depended on gstreamer-plugins-qt.

  • H2rename: Removed because the package is unmaintained.

  • jag-level-editor: Ersatt av jag-editor.

  • jovie: Removed because the package is no longer maintained upstream. See

  • kaccessible, kepas, konsole4, klinkstatus, kppp, kremotecontrol, kvpnc, and
    kvkbd: Removed because these packages are no longer maintained upstream.

  • kdesdk4-scripts: Ersatt av kdesdk-scripts.

  • kdeuser: Ersatt av kde-user-manager.

  • keepassx och kpassgen: Ersatt av keepassxc.

  • kile5: Ersatt av kile.

  • libkdegames4: Ersatt av libkdegames5.

  • libkquoath, libjreen, and libqross: Removed because the packages are no
    longer maintained upstream and use the insecure libqt4.

  • lua51-luajit: Ersatt av moonjit.

  • mp3gain and wxmp3gain: The package mp3gain was removed because it has a
    security issue and is no longer maintained upstream. The package wxmp3gain
    depended on mp3gain.

  • nodejs8: Ersatt av nodejs10 och nodejs12.

  • python-django_compressor: Ersatt av python-django-compressor.

  • python-pep: Ersatt av python-pycodestyle.

  • python-pyside and python-pyside-tools: Removed because it depends on the
    insecure libqt4.

  • qgo: Ersatt av q5go.

  • slapi-nis: Removed because this module is not maintained outside of FreeIPA
    environments, and we do not ship FreeIPA.

  • tomahawk: Removed because the package is no longer maintained upstream.

  • vokoscreen: Replaced by vokoscreenNG.

4 Skrivbord

This section lists desktop issues and changes in openSUSE Leap 15.2.

4.1 KDE 4 and Qt 4 are unmaintained

Updating from KDE 4 and Qt 4 to Plasma 5 and Qt 5 is recommended. KDE 4 and Qt
4 are no longer supported. openSUSE Leap 15.2 still contains KDE 4 and Qt 4
packages for compatibility reasons. However these packages will no longer
receive updates and security fixes. Therefore it is strongly recommended to
replace all installed KDE 4 and Qt 4 packages with packages from Plasma 5 and
Qt 5 providing the same or at least similar functionalities.

5 Mer information och feedback

  • Läs README filen på installationsmediet.

  • Visa en detaljerad logg över ändringarna i ett specifikt paket med
    kommandot RPM:

    rpm --changelog -qp FILNAMN.rpm

    Ersätt FILENAME med namnet pü RPM paketet.

  • En kronologisk logg över alla förändringarna i de uppdaterade paketen finns
    i filen ChangeLog som du hittar i rotkatalogen pĂĽ installationsmediet.

  • För mer information leta i docu katalogen på installationsmediet.

  • För mer eller uppdaterad dokumentation, se

  • För att se de senaste produktnyheter från openSUSE, besök https://

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